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Thread: Please help!!

  1. #11
    Sounds good, big water changes and prime is a good start, i hope your babies make it through! Thats a nice big tank, i also have the same tank, 4 foot. I use buckets to do water changes, its messy but i find its better as i can add the Prime to the buckets first before adding the water to the tank. My fingers are crossed for you and your fish!

  2. #12
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Woop!!! No casualties guys!! One is still a little bit fussy and isn't really eating properly yet but the rest seem 100% better!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20161218_192146.jpg  

  3. #13
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Maitland. NSW
    The change from that black looking earlier photo really doesn't seem possible. Do you now have an opinion what caused the problem and what might have provided the apparent improvement.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    S.E Melbourne VIC
    Thanks very much for getting back ,90% of the time you don't hear back from people and you assume that they have lost the fish and too upset to come back to the forum and tell you the bad news but it is very rewarding for us to hear a good news especially if it comes with a healthy photo ,to be honest i am amazed how you pulled it through without any casualty .
    A big well done for you .keep in touch.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good work, well done. What did you do that made the difference?
    Why me ?

  6. #16
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Thanks!!! I had to post a photo because I'm so proud that I never lost any... Well not yet anyway, one is still worrying me, but it's got its colour back so I'm hoping it will start eating soon!

    To be honest I have no idea what disease they had, I know the aquarium that I bought the new discus from imports them from Thailand and only keeps them in quarantine for 2weeks before they are available for sale to the public.

    I'm also not even sure what fixed them up in the end.. I took your advise and did daily 50% water changes (I'm still doing them every second day now) and keept the salt up. I also dosed with medication that had malchite green and acriflavine and once they started to look better I treated with wormer plus.

    Fingers crossed for my last guy hopefully I can get 100% recovery!

  7. #17
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Maitland. NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by mnat7954 View Post
    To be honest I have no idea what disease they had

    hopefully I can get 100% recovery!
    You can't leave it at that last post. Progress report as your efforts here rival Lazuras. Those fish looked almost dead.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mnat7954 View Post
    Thanks!!! I had to post a photo because I'm so proud that I never lost any... Well not yet anyway, one is still worrying me, but it's got its colour back so I'm hoping it will start eating soon!

    To be honest I have no idea what disease they had, I know the aquarium that I bought the new discus from imports them from Thailand and only keeps them in quarantine for 2weeks before they are available for sale to the public.

    I'm also not even sure what fixed them up in the end.. I took your advise and did daily 50% water changes (I'm still doing them every second day now) and keept the salt up. I also dosed with medication that had malchite green and acriflavine and once they started to look better I treated with wormer plus.

    Fingers crossed for my last guy hopefully I can get 100% recovery!
    Good choice of meds, keep up the good work
    Why me ?

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