Fri Nov 02, 2012, 07:11 AM
TheFish's Planted Tank - Journal
Hi all,
Long time forum lurker, first time poster.
I've kept tanks for the past 10 years - never kept discus, so this will be something new for me. I currently keep a 75 gallon approx (120cm X 45cm X 70cm high) freshwater tank which I plan to put discus into, and I also have a 140litre reef tank, with 70 litre refugium.
So below are my tank specs and plans, as a big fan of this forum I'd really appreciate all the feedback you can give before I actually put my discus in - any good tips, anything I'm currently doing wrong etc.
Specs:- Filtration:
1X Aqua One canister, 1200lph
I aim output at the walls to diffuse flow)
- Filtration 2: 1X Eheim 2215
(I aim output at the walls to diffuse flow)
- Lighting: Tmc Grobeam LED's
- UV: PondOne 9w
- Co2: Sera bottle, aqua medic solenoid
Current Fish:
- 22 Rummy Nose Tetra's
- 3 Sterbai Corydoras
- 2 large SAE's (planning to trade in for smaller ones before I buy my discus)
- 1 large bristlenose
- 1 Otocinclus
Planned fish/ Buy List:
- 5-7 Sub adult > Adult discus
- 5 Sterbai Corydoras
- 4 Otocinclus
- Variety of frozen and new spectrum flake and granules
- 2 X 50% changes per week. I will be upping this to 3 when my bioload increases (its so small at the moment!)
- Aquasoil Amazonia II, Aquasand Branco (open gravel from for discus to graze)
- Amazon Swords
- Java Fern
- Thin Val
I plan to add my discus sometime next January or February, as I am going to Japan for all of december (and yes, for those interested I am going to Takashi Amano's gallery, his installation at skytree tower, and various aquariums across Japan).
I guess I've got two main questions. Based on the stocking list, and potential die offs how many discus should I start with? 5, 6, 7? (keeping in mind they will be sub adult to adult size).
Also I plan to get all the same variety discus, and i would like to get them all at the same time. Is it best to put the whole group in the tank on the same day or introduce them at different times? say 4 one day, and the remainder a week or a few weeks later. < If so, what size tank would I need to maintain the remaining fish in for the interim period?
Photos: (sorry for quality, taken with my phone)
Sat Nov 10, 2012, 02:41 AM
Also just wondering if people recommend quarantining the fish? Treating for worms and any other specifics (?) before introducing to my tank? If so, what size quarantine tank, for how long etc?
My tank has never had discus before, so no chance of previous parasites in that sense.
Also, if it matters, I intend to buy my discus from SLS.
Sat Nov 10, 2012, 12:13 PM
I'd quarantine them so that if you do decide to medicate them it's in a smaller volume of water (less meds required means less money spent)
I can think of two reasons you might decide to medicate. As a precautionary measure (metro, worming etc...) or if you notice symptoms.
Even though SLS take great care of their discus, I'd still quarantine in a 40gal for about a week. Just in case.
Sat Nov 10, 2012, 12:15 PM
And welcome to the king of the aquarium, and the forums
Mon Jan 14, 2013, 12:05 AM
Blue Diamond Discus
Healthy looking tank..
The only comment I'd make regarding your planting would be to move your crested java fern down from the upper branches.
Like all java fern varieties, it will eventually grow quite large and dominate that space. They're much better used tucked into spaces down low, in between the rocks and DW for example.
A good option is to attach the rhizome to a smallish piece of rock or DW that you can move around at will until you find the "perfect place" or if you should ever feel like a change of scene
Thu Jan 24, 2013, 10:05 AM
Thu Jan 24, 2013, 01:05 PM
Eternal Moderator
Your tank looks stunning. Discus fish like plenty of room to swim, so just make sure you keep the front of the tank open and free of plants.
Love to see your new fish when they arrive. SLS have great quality fish!
Fri Jan 25, 2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks Merrilyn. I'll probably end up finding i need to remove a few swords for more space in the long term, its hard to see from the pics but i've tried to keep that open foreground at the front for them to graze too.
I'm actually picking up the pair from a fellow member on here now, so getting pretty excited for my first discus.
Fri Jan 25, 2013, 08:01 AM
Blue Diamond Discus
It would be nice to see some red in there to break it up. Some Rotala red or similar would do well.
I've just done a big trim and got rid of most of mine, but I've got a few bits here and there growing back. When they need trimming again you're welcome to some if you like
Thu Aug 22, 2013, 02:51 AM
Great tank.
Hows the discus going in there?? I notice its been a long toke since someone posted but thought id ask to see how everything is going
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