Fri Sep 07, 2012, 11:52 PM
tank size
is a 400x400 tank to small to hold a pair and have a go a breeding them
cheers marty
Sat Sep 08, 2012, 12:19 AM
Hi Marty,
I have seen a lot of recommendations for 2' cubes, 610x610x610 which gives you approx 225 ltr of water.
I have had four of six discus pair up and breed regularly in a standard 4' tank (approx 190 ltr) while in quarantine. I ended up leaving one pair in post quarantine and managed to raise a couple of spawns. My feeling is that 400 x 400 (what height) will not give you enough volume or capacity for your pair to find room for separation if one or the other should become too protective of the spawn/wrigglers/fry.
Sat Sep 08, 2012, 04:41 AM
have to agree with you bob,i went to pick up a 4x18x18 tank today and they had a 800x400x400 tank divided in half and as soon as i saw it i realized it was too small.
cheers marty
Sun Sep 09, 2012, 10:01 AM
i've bred in a std 2 footer no worries, but the best breeding tanks i ever had were 2x18x18.
16"x16" is probably a little on the small size.
Tue Sep 11, 2012, 08:18 AM
I use 500mm cubes sumped and with sponge filters in each automatic daily changes.
Mon Sep 17, 2012, 12:07 PM
Free Swimmer
Id have to say a 18" x 18" x 3' would be an absolute min.
Just because pre spawning it gives em more swimming room then a 2 x 2 x 2.
Fri Sep 21, 2012, 03:42 AM
I primarily use 2ft cubes but have had an equal amount of success in my spare 3x18x18. The reason for going 2ft cubes for my new breeding tanks was just through feedback from some experienced breeders suggesting the 3ft was a little too long and could cause the fry to get lost, but I see little difference in the behaviour in the 2x2x2's.
I do like the additional water capacity of the 2ft cubes though as the water parameters will be more stable and I can also offer a bigger temp drop when I do a 50% water change to trigger spwaning.
Sat Nov 10, 2012, 01:49 PM
Depending on the size of the pair all mine are in around 100 ltrs I think measurements are around 700 x 500 x 320 from memoryand have had sucessful spawns out of 5" - 5.5" pairs. Some largers pairs will want a little more space but that is up to individuels choice. Once you have your sponge cycled and working well and regular water changes they are fine. My pairs get a big change once a week and set the water then only about 20% change per day for 3 days after then leave.
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