Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:30 AM
Free Swimmer
Wrong worm treatment.
So I noticed these small thread like worms (approx 5mm long) swiming in the tank and treated with lamisole (big L) but it seems I should of treated with prazi coz there still there!
So my question is, how soon after the lamisole can I treat with prazi?
And the sooner the better coz the sump is full of em. I'm guessing gill flukes? But would like some direction from someone who knows better
And the source of infection was more than likely live black worms.
Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:56 AM
Hey there Nev,
From memory, you can treat with Prazi 7-10 days after the Big L.
Cheers, Gumby
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Mon Oct 03, 2011, 08:51 PM
Free Swimmer
Ok, so my plan is to do a major water change (50%) then dose with prazi.
Unless someone can tell me its not flukes just young black worms?
Mon Oct 03, 2011, 11:53 PM
Small threadlike worms that swim are most likely planaria not generally a problem give the tank a good clean wipe all the glass and if you have substrate give a good vac. Do this each day for a week and I bet the worms disappear. Prazi only treats flat worms not round.
Tue Oct 04, 2011, 12:02 AM
Medium Discus
Hi Neville
Sounds to me like worms that you get when you overfeed. Probably a stylaria worm, harmless. Planaria is another but less lkely to be seen swimming more likely hanging on the walls and they are tiny. They take advantage of overfeeding and probably below par wc. Syphon the gravel / sand really well if possible and up your wc and and feed less.
I would not treat with any meds your tools to get rid of them are clean clean water and less feeding. They are buggers to get rid of.
Tue Oct 04, 2011, 12:03 AM
Medium Discus
mmmm we must have been typing at the same time!
Tue Oct 04, 2011, 04:14 AM
Free Swimmer
Yep, thanks for the replies and pm's guys, planitaria or stylaria worms. Something I've never had or seen before, found out the missus has also been feeding them "just a little" lol!
On the plus side of things, l know my fish are free of thread worm, round worm, tape worm, gill flukes and a host of anything else.
Now lots of water changes and a lock on the fish food. Also some magical natural anti-planitaria stuff from Adrian at EA.
Tue Oct 04, 2011, 04:28 AM
the less chemicals you add to your water the better. The planairia will go as you clean. You could add some cardinals as they eat them.
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