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  1. #1
    Free Swimmer Nev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Food glorious food!

    I was at the local fish shop on the weekend bying the pigs some treats (live brine shrimp and black worms) and the subject of food came up

    My little pigs get fed mainly frozen blood worms, brine shrimp and tetra bits with the treats l was buying at the time. He suggested l should try the frozen sea mix stuff and sea pellets with garlic apparently garlic is good for em.

    Which got me to wondering what everyone else feeds their fish?

    If i was really clever l could turn this into a poll, but l'm not so ......

    What food do you feed your discus? Anything off limits?

  2. #2
    Blue Diamond Discus BigDaddyAdo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Baulkham Hills, Sydney
    NLS Thera A
    Freeze Dried Black Worms,
    Discus Dinner
    Live White Worms
    Cooked Pea
    Wardley Chiclid Flake

    I think that about covers it.
    I don't get drunk I get AWESOME!!!

  3. #3
    Hi Nev from what i have read on this forum Blood worms arent really all that good for your discus .I think they are mainly water and dont have much protein orr nutrients in them that your discus need .
    Garlic is good for your fish .It acts like an attractant for fussy eaters . I think it also helps with keeping parasites in the fishes gut under control .
    I feed Freeze dried blackworm ,NLS thera A ,Sera discus granules ,Hikari discus gold, Live and frozen brine ,live white worms and Merrilyns beef heart mix .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Perth, Western Australia
    Are the white worms the same as Grindal worms?

  5. #5
    Free Swimmer Nev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thanks for the info ingram, l'd been told the opposite, that the're all protien so dont feed em too much blood worms. But they love the stuff. As far as white worms go - I've never seen or heard of em.
    I've used micro white worms raising young gouramis in the distant past, but they were so small and the smell was something else! Pretty sure yours are different

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