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  1. #1

    "Three Islands" Reef Tank

    My big reef tank. Hope you like it as much as i do.

    Here are the specs:

    150 gallon acrylic and oak tank.

    Cebu Sun Hamilton Tech MH system- includes three 250 watt 10,000k MH bulbs, and four 90 watt actinic T5 bulbs, as well as 15 moonlights.

    Filtraton includes 25 gallon Ecosystem Aquarium sump, with Miracle Mud, Chaeto algea, and live rock. Red Sea skimmer.

    The display itself is all live rock from fiji and tonga.

    There are too many corals to list in this system, but some noteable corals would be the pocillopora coral, which has been thriving in the tank for seven years, the pipe organ coral, which has grown from under an inch in diameter to almost two feet, and the frogspawn coral, almost two feet as well. There are multiple young coral colonies in this tank that still need time to grow. It has been almost a year since i changed the rockwork and most of the corals for something different.

    The tank gets a water change every month. It THRIVES on this regime.

    Most noteable fish in this tank is the Humu Humu trigger, which has been in the tank for a year. these fish are said to voraciously destroy corals. Mine hasent.

    The tank gets additions of calcium and alkalinity buffers ans well as trace elements. The fish are fed on brine shrimp, nori sheets, krill, and various flakes.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails reef_401.jpg  

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Free Swimmer
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Melbourne, SE Suburbs
    Certainly something of beauty and a credit to you!


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