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Thread: Frog problems

  1. #1
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cairns, FNQ

    Frog problems

    Just thought I'd liven this area up a bit and ask if anyone here has had any experience with a frog with a prolapsed vent?? (non-medical term= arse hanging out)

    Found a massive Litoria infrafrenata, White Lipped Tree Frog on Christmas Day and really only gained access to her hidey hole today but she has a badly prolapsed vent. Normally happens from being stepped on or crushed but this girl(?) wasn't really in a place where feet could get to her.

    Any comments or experiences welcome.

    ...and I have photos if anyone is interested. Graphic but educational I guess.

  2. #2
    San Merah Discus TW's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Menai, Sydney, Australia
    Hi Robdog

    Hope you had a great Christmas !

    Sorry I can't help, but this could be a very interesting thread. What do you think you would need to do - capture her & take to a vet that treats amphibians
    Previously known as "Tankwatcher"

  3. #3
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cairns, FNQ
    Christmas was great Robyn, thanks. Hope yours was too!
    Yeah I guess it's a pretty unique situation. Tree frogs are such beautiful little creatures and it was pretty crook seeing this guy in such discomfort. (Not that I know but I can imagine having my insides hanging out is not that pleasurable)

    I captured her last night from her spot on top of an airconditioning unit where she had been for at least 3 days without moving much.
    With some expert advice I got her into a takeaway container with some water and got her home and added a sprinkle of Panadeine to the water.

    Still alive this morning and actually looking a lot better as I suspect she hadn't had much moisture in the last week.

    Got her to a local vet that does native animal surgeries for free (or at least on the cheap) and someone from the Cairns Frog Hospital should have picked her up this afternoon if everything went to plan.

    Photos to come...

  4. #4
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cairns, FNQ
    Little Flog as he/she has been named. It's actually a pretty Big Flog so I think it might be a girl.

    A little bit skinny and bony once she started to move around but she has plenty of loose skin so I suspect she has wasted a bit since her bum fell out.

    A bit closer

    Definitely looks like it should be in rather than out

  5. #5
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cairns, FNQ
    ...but how could I not help a face like that??

  6. #6
    San Merah Discus TW's Avatar
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    Menai, Sydney, Australia
    Oh the poor girl. Does the vet think he can save her?

    Keep us updated on her progress?
    Previously known as "Tankwatcher"

  7. #7
    Medium Discus
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    Alexandria, Syndey
    Hey Robdog,

    How is little frog? Did she come through? No pun intended.

  8. #8
    San Merah Discus
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cairns, FNQ
    As far as I know she has done really well. She had her bum parts put back in at the Cairns Frog Hospital (yes we have a Frog Hospital) and the last I heard was that she was being fattened up to be returned to the wild before the end of the breeding season which should be pretty soon.
    Having said that, it hasn't been a very good wet season so if we get some good late rains it may be on for young and old frogs and she'll get to go out there and get it on with all the others!!

  9. #9
    Medium Discus
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    Alexandria, Syndey

    Good to hear.

  10. #10
    San Merah Discus TW's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Menai, Sydney, Australia
    Ah a happy ending. Please to hear this Rob
    Previously known as "Tankwatcher"

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