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Thread: Starting out

  1. #1
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mont Albert North

    Starting out

    My girl friend and I have had a few tanks for the last 18 months and I think we now have the basics of fish keeping under control. Our main tank is a planted 4 foot Sunsun with Discus, Angels, tetras and rainbows.

    We also have an established 80L Orca tank with the filter built into the back. Last week this tank was stripped down to start an african cichlid tank. We have put in new dark fine gravel and the white rocks. The water parameters seem fine

    Ph 8.1
    Kh 13'
    Temp 25'
    Ammonia 0

    Last night we put in 4 small electric yellows. How many other types can we put in over the next couple of weeks? We are hoping for a real contrast to the planted tank with lots of colour but small and fairly peaceful species.

    Any help to a novice African cichlid keeper?

    The older I get; the better I was...

  2. #2
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    depends on the footprint dude. a 80l tank (2ft)? may be to small for more species let alone fully grown 4-5 inch yellows :P. just let the yellows grow out there. but if you want colour and lik yellow's get ps. saulosi. nice fish.

    ohh and bump the heat up a few deg. try to get 27

    what is the gh aswell? it needs to be around the 12 mark.

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