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  1. #1
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sussex England

    No sign of my discus breeding but I seem to have baby...

    Rummy nose tetras

    Thought I saw something small swimming around my large sword plant the other day and then it vanished.

    Did a clean of the tank today and a water change and found about 10 small rummy noses about 5-10mm in length. I have a schoal of abut 30 of them and I know for fact I hadn't introduced any that small so they must be babies!

    I never expected to see them breed nor have I tried and doubt very much if I could do it again either if I did try, just very surprised
    Rena 500litre tank; filtration-fluval 405 and rena filstar xp3; lighting 2x powerglo 2x aquaglo at 5hrs on 2 off 5 on 2 x 55w Triplus T5 compacts; CO2 injected and EI ferts system.
    11 Discus, 30 rummynose tetras, 5 SAE's, 6 ottos, 3 Bristle nose, 2 horseshoe loaches lots of plants .

  2. #2
    Tiny Fry
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    My rummy noses always seem to be frisky early in the morning their mating behaviour is interesting - a bit of an orgy! three or more boys chasing one girl then they writh together...

    I haven't seen any babies though - i guess they'd get eaten pretty quick in my community tank!

    congrats on your breeding success


  3. #3
    Blue Diamond Discus
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Brisbane, Australia
    Congratulations on the new additions. I'd certainly love my rummies to breed like that. Got any photos of your new babies?

  4. #4
    Just an Egg
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sussex England
    Shall have a look today and see if I can find them and give it a go at snapping a picture.
    Rena 500litre tank; filtration-fluval 405 and rena filstar xp3; lighting 2x powerglo 2x aquaglo at 5hrs on 2 off 5 on 2 x 55w Triplus T5 compacts; CO2 injected and EI ferts system.
    11 Discus, 30 rummynose tetras, 5 SAE's, 6 ottos, 3 Bristle nose, 2 horseshoe loaches lots of plants .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Florida Usa
    Awesome good luck!

    50 gallon aquarium,1 brown discus,1 Jack Wattley Turquoise,1 Marlboro red,1 Pidgeon blood,1 snakeskin,and 1 cobalt. One fluval 305,and an eheim 2215,Kent marine nitrate absorber and ceremic tubes for bio load. Change 1/4 of my water 7 days a week.

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