Mon Mar 24, 2008, 06:04 PM
hi im new
hi all im new here im used to keeping marine but i love the discus i was in need of some info plz . Im running a 260l vision with 3 external filters containing ceramic mater pete po4 remover and filter wool . I also have carbon in the intenal filter that came with the tank .Im stocking 2 discus at the min with 16 x ray tetras 3 bristel nose cats 5 corys 3 banjos 8 glow lights and 2 neons Ive been running like this for around 6 months now and wanted to no is this selection ok how may discus can i keep is the selection ok thanks oh i do a 20% change a week and to up in between the tanks open top with a luminar containg 4 t5 tubes thanks
Wed Mar 26, 2008, 11:01 AM
Eternal Moderator
Hi fletcher, welcome to the forum.
Your set up sounds fine. The only thing I'd remove is the carbon in the internal filter. Best to keep carbon for times when you want to remove medications or tannins from the water. It only lasts for a couple of weeks at the most, and then it begins to discharge whatever it has absorbed, back into the tank.
Rule of thumb for discus keeping is 40 litres per adult fish, so at that rate, you could safely have 6 discus in there with your other tankmates.
If you can manage to increase your water changes to 30% twice a week, you fish will be a lot happier and healthier.
Discus have been known to jump out of tanks, so if you can manage to get some kind of cover glass for your tank, you may avert a tragedy.
Wed Mar 26, 2008, 10:50 PM
Welcome to the forums Fletcher.... Be sure to post some pics of your tank and fish when you can. I'd love to see them....!
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