Hi Guys,
Just a word of warning on feeding live black worms to frys. I have been raising frys on live black worm for a while now but a couple days ago I bought a few serves of worms and it had something in it. Fed it to them and after 1/2 hour bout 20 from each batch were at the bottom, dead. The others were hanging at the top clearly in distress. heavy breathing and swimming erratically. Some eventually laying down and stopped breathing.
Changed water and checked everything. All checks out. The others soon came round overnight, started eating dry food and all. I then isollated a couple and fed the worms again. All died. I'm not sure what was in the worms but I'm not taking anymore chances on them. Adults seem fine though. Worms looked fine, not white and the water they were in was clear. Anywaz, just thought I share and warn others.