It's MAC here and I haven't been around for quite some years but thought about Merrilyn today (Lady Red) for some reason so I've dropped in to see how her favourite place was going. It's sad to see to be honest, this place used to be hustling and bustling with posts, answers, questions and on a 15 minute basis years ago so what happened? Some of the last posts were months if not years ago, good grief! Good breeders come and go, good keepers come and go but this place always attracted new people so it was self perpetuating. Have people stopped breeding, keeping Discus? Genuine question, I've not been involved in the industry for 10 years and I'd love to know. This forum, whilst I knew it well, was without doubt the best place ever for so many reasons. I'm considering getting back in to breeding over the next couple of years so if I do I'll see if I can liven the place up a bit if it's still here.
