
This will be my first Discus tank, in the past I have kept a tropical community tank and a Turtle, but not Discus!

This is my equipment:

Tank: 4ft x 2ft x 2ft (453 Liters) with Pool Filter Sand substrate (Pic of Tank/Cabinet: http://i.imgur.com/fWDDbHJ.jpg)
Filter 1: Aqua One Nautilus 2700 UV Canister filter (2700 L/ph)
Filter 2: Biopro 2200 UV Canister filter (2200 L/ph)
Each Canister filter contains: Activated Carbon Pellets, Seachem Matrix, Biopro Aqua Bacteria House Bio Bakki Balls
Heaters: 2 x Fluval Heater 300watt . One is set 1 degree lower to be a backup.
Lighting: T5 High Output Twin Fluorescent Light Unit (120cm)
Globe 1: T5 High Output Fluorescent Actinic Blue Globe 54W 46"
Globe 2: T5 High Output Fluorescent Tropical Pink Globe 54W 46"
Powerhead: Cheap eBay brand, couldn't tell you the specs but it moves water around okay.

I will obviously let the tank go for a while for water parameters to become correct, however once it is correct this is what I am thinking of stocking, according to Aqadvisor this should all work pretty well. I am thinking of getting all fish from livefish.com.au

Stocking List:
8 x Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus)
30 x Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
30 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)
6 x German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
6 x Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai)
2 x Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.)

  1. I do not have an exact idea of what Discus I want, I am aiming to order all my fish from that one website. I want a range of colors but particularly like Red and Blue. Suggestions?
  2. Will I have any issues with compatibility of the fish above?
  3. Will the 2 filters be too much flow for the Discus to be comfortable?
  4. Is the Lighting okay? I would like some plants so have decided to stick with the T5 over getting LED, although the T5 will only be on when I am home after work, which is ~6hrs per day. Is that enough? If not I will get a timer.
  5. Anyone I have forgotten?

I really appreciate the help, I have always thought Discus look incredible in a nice tank with white sand, some plants and a few schooling fish around them so that is what I am going for.
