Hey all,

Just thought I'd show my reaquascaped discus biotope.

Not a strict biotope, but here I've tried to emulate the blackwater environment.
Discus are from John Kreatsoulas (snookn21). It's a drilled 54 gallon with about a 15 gallon wet/dry sump. Not much room to work with but I tried to maximize the space. Thanks for checking in! Enjoy and I'd appreciate any feedback.

4 Cameta Yellow Brown
2 Blue Acara (pair)
7 Bleeding Heart Tetra
4 Skunk Cory
1 Gold Nugget Pleco


I have a small planted terrestrial setup above the waterline to serve as an implied shoreline which darkens the backside of the tank adding a bit of visual depth. I'll post a video soon detailing the planted setup. Thanks!