Fri Feb 15, 2013, 03:07 AM
Noob breeding questions, now my tanks almost ready.
Its hard to believe that its over a year since i picked up three delightful angels from EA (see http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23356). Finally my breeding setup is almost ready and the questions begin!
1) All three were purchased at the same size. One, I think the female, has grown to almost twice the size of the other two (presumably males). Is this normal? If not, what could be the cause?
2) I suspect the one pair from the trio may be brother and sister. Is this an issue in the fish world? I suspect most pairs for sale are possibly from the same parents.
3) If a pair is ostensibly the same fish (i.e. 2 pearlscales or 2 koi etc) will the fry all be the same?
4) Is the general practice to keep like with like, or to mix? I have two large marbled veil tail males I'd like to put to stud, but do I need to look for female veil tails?
5) The angel tank has 3 x blue/silver (2 male, 1 female), 1 x white (sex unknown), 2 x Koi (female), 2 x Marble veil tails (apparently male). Yet the only pairings have been Blue + Blue and Blue + Koi. It also has B/Ns, SAEs & YoYos. Will the other males and females pair up over time, or if they are placed in a breeding tank together?
6) For breeding I have 3 x 600x450x600 tanks, with a 1200x450x450 grow out tank and a 750x300x400 hospital tank. I was planning to run sponge or K1 media filters in the 3 breeders & hospital tank, and a SunSun 2200lph & Eheim 2217 on the grow out tank. Will this suffice?
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