Hi i am new here and thought i would add some pics of my plecos.
I have 2 Gold spot plecos and 1 Gibbi, The Gibbi and the 1 of the Gold spots are around 12cm long and the other Gold spot is about 20cm long.
I think i may have stunted the big one as i have had him/her for over a year now from about 6cm but i had him/her in a 3 foot tank for most of the time untill i got my 6 foot tank. I did a water change every second day and feed them 1-2 a day. They now live in a 4foot display tank in my lounge room with the rest of my fish.
any comments are welcome.
Please excuse the blue rock, it was my first bit gravel i got for my first tank, i have tried pulling the rocks out but it take ages so when i am on holidays next i will put new gravel in without the blue stuff.