
I am new to the group and am wondering if anyone can identify these clustered white cysts on my brown discus named Bandit? Does anyone know if this is lymphocystis? We just got over an outbreak of Ick 2 weeks ago and all signs of Ick, after 10 days of 86 degrees gone except these larger clustered cysts.

Our parameters are:

Ph 7.8
Gh 180
Kh 120
Ammonia 0.12 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm

We plan to do a 30 % water change today.

Our tank is planted and has two new brown discus ( in tank 3 werks) between 3.5" - 4 ", 2 glow fish l, 4 Kuli loach, 5 red phantom tetra, 1 German blue ram, Electric Blue ram, and 4 glass catfish.

There is currently some aggression in the tank by the other discuss towards Bandit mainly during feeding time.

If anyone has any idea what these cysts are please let me know.

Thank you!


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