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  1. #1
    Hi, I'm New Here!
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Exclamation Discus turned half white?!?!

    So my discus is half white and half blue. It is a dark angel and I’ve only had him for about a month. I’ve never seen anything like this before but I’m sure someone has. As soon as he sees me his color comes back. Hes never been much of an eater and it’s hard to get him to do so, still in quarantine but I’m guessing it isn’t going to end well. Picture attatchedClick image for larger version. 

Name:	C5DD5B30-C6A2-45F8-8281-04BBA21E06E7.jpg 
Views:	4 
Size:	15.0 KB 
ID:	21457

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    S.E Melbourne VIC
    Where did you get this Fred, i only have seen this type of discus in a photo once before ,i think its called half moon discus and it is very rare .you have to keep him in quarantine for 6- 8 weeks ,and that is the reason behind quarantine . hopefully as you feed him he will get to trust you ,where about are you?
    Your picture is not clear . what is your substrate in the tank?

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