where are the people?
I have been looking at Discus forums and there is not much activity on any of them. I would like to find information on how to sex the fish not mated or of a pair who seem to be mated, but not breeding. My fish are 4.5 to 6 inches in size. one of the smallest is keeping close to one of the largest. ( actually I have two pair who I believe are paired up) I ahve 5 others just hanging out together. THANKS FOR YOU HELP ... THOMAS
Welcome to the community. Forums are not what they they used to be now that people have access using their phones and just keep scrolling.
Thanks for the reply. 4 fish seem to have paired up. I put the two pair into a 38 gal. well planted tank (30 gal water plus rock plants etc.. They squabble all the time in the middle of the tank. 4.5 to 5 inch size fish... I live in southern China, and other than the LFS not much fish conversation... And they know nothing. Any suggestions other than put two in a different tank? The other 5 fish I have seem to get along fine no pairing off. . Well planted 100 gallon tank (75 gallon water).