Fri Dec 01, 2006, 05:40 AM
Well I thought I would drop in to the forum again. Since loosing my Discus a few years back I did not replace it. I instead started up a saltwater tank and have alot of fun with it.
The past few months I have been waiting and wanting to get another Discus. This time I will do a few things different.
Today after waiting for a nice one to appear at our LFS I purchased a blue snakeskin. This baby is about 2 1/2" insize and doing very well at the moment. I have it housed with a school of neon tetras and a very small pleco.
After a few days I will get hopefully some nice pictures of it and hope my luck is better this time around.
We don't often get Discus here, many people claim they are just to difficult to have. The one I did have I found to be very easy to care for except for a few mistakes that i will not make this time around. They are alot more shy than Angels and therefor deserve a nice peaceful tank.
So just wanted to say hi, and hope to do some posting and lots and lots of reading.
The past few months I have been waiting and wanting to get another Discus. This time I will do a few things different.
Today after waiting for a nice one to appear at our LFS I purchased a blue snakeskin. This baby is about 2 1/2" insize and doing very well at the moment. I have it housed with a school of neon tetras and a very small pleco.
After a few days I will get hopefully some nice pictures of it and hope my luck is better this time around.
We don't often get Discus here, many people claim they are just to difficult to have. The one I did have I found to be very easy to care for except for a few mistakes that i will not make this time around. They are alot more shy than Angels and therefor deserve a nice peaceful tank.
So just wanted to say hi, and hope to do some posting and lots and lots of reading.