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View Full Version : Apisto tankmates

Sun Nov 26, 2006, 11:42 PM
So could i keep a pair of Apistos in a 4ft tank with Rummynose Tetras, Corys and some bristlenose ?
Went to Finland on saturday and had a look, not that much available but at least i know where it is now :D


Sun Nov 26, 2006, 11:55 PM
A 4 ft tank is ample of space for a pair. Concern with cories and BN if you want to start breeding them.


Sun Nov 26, 2006, 11:58 PM
like thomas said 4fter is amble room for a pair of apistos but you may have a concern with the bristlenose having a much on the eggs if trying to breed. :)

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 08:19 AM
get a trio for a 4ft, make sure there's two distinct areas which the two females can claim as their own, out of eyesight of each other and the male will travel from one to the other guarding the greater territory.
pencilfish are great with apistos, too. the concerns with having other fish in the tank, is that they're either very good at eating the eggs if you're trying to breed them, or the free swimmers. farlowella would go wella with your little apisto fella, though, as they're fended off easily, whereas bns are annoying and tenacious.
if you're not trying to breed them, then all the fish you've mentioned will fit in well.

Mon Nov 27, 2006, 11:22 AM
I 2nd Pencil fish, there are great and I thing they are found in the same waters in the wild. But just make sure you block off all the gaps in the cover glass. They have a nak of bailing out, I've gotta work out how to block the gap around my hoses I keep finding them crispy on the floor every few months. Rummy noses are good to I also have them, they are very good at stealing eggs or swimmers.