Wed Nov 22, 2006, 05:55 AM
My Discus was caught behind a tube style heater this evening. It may have been a few minutes or as long as two hours. When I gently pried the Discus out, it swam and it appears to be ok with one exception. Two of the front fins are apparently "locked" up tight against the body. They happen to be the two fins that were next to heater. I don't if that means anything or not.
Assuming the poor thing is ok, is there is anything that can be done about the fins? It's a beautiful and very playful fish. I'll be sad if it's now going to struggle through life shy of two fins.
Any help is great appreciated.
Thank you.
Assuming the poor thing is ok, is there is anything that can be done about the fins? It's a beautiful and very playful fish. I'll be sad if it's now going to struggle through life shy of two fins.
Any help is great appreciated.
Thank you.