Sat Nov 18, 2006, 02:29 AM
Howdy everyone.
I was so stoked to see a link to this forum from! My name is Mike and I have a new 65 galllon (We don't do liters up here) tank that I'm going to turn into a planted discus tank. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about both plants and discus for the last few weeks. Next week I'll fill up the tank. I've already soaked my drftwood for a couple weeks and rinsed out the flourite. Next weekend I will go check out the Discus specialty store in San Francisco and maybe put a few discus on reserve.
I plan on getting 6 for the tank, with two bristlenose plecos to keep things on the bottom tidy. Everyone tells me that they don't attach onto discus like ottos and other plecos.
For plants I plan on getting a few amazon swords and a couple cabombas for the background. I think a couple of the smaller swords will do well for the middle and maybe foreground. I'd love everyone's input who can lend a helping hand. I'm definitely not rushing into this, I won't be introducing any fish for about a month so the tank is cycled.
So far I'm very impressed with the advice helping that goes on here. Talk to you all soon...
I was so stoked to see a link to this forum from! My name is Mike and I have a new 65 galllon (We don't do liters up here) tank that I'm going to turn into a planted discus tank. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about both plants and discus for the last few weeks. Next week I'll fill up the tank. I've already soaked my drftwood for a couple weeks and rinsed out the flourite. Next weekend I will go check out the Discus specialty store in San Francisco and maybe put a few discus on reserve.
I plan on getting 6 for the tank, with two bristlenose plecos to keep things on the bottom tidy. Everyone tells me that they don't attach onto discus like ottos and other plecos.
For plants I plan on getting a few amazon swords and a couple cabombas for the background. I think a couple of the smaller swords will do well for the middle and maybe foreground. I'd love everyone's input who can lend a helping hand. I'm definitely not rushing into this, I won't be introducing any fish for about a month so the tank is cycled.
So far I'm very impressed with the advice helping that goes on here. Talk to you all soon...