View Full Version : sick looking anubius

Thu Nov 02, 2006, 03:09 AM
I moved my tank to work about 8 weeks ago due to a 3 week gap between moving from 1 house to another. It's still at work. Since then one of my anubius has been slowly losing a couple of leaves. This week another leaf has discoloured, any ideas what would cause this?? Used Flourish Excel daily for 3 weeks after move to promote new growth after the move.

ph 6.5-6.8, hardness of 3 drops in tester, 28 C. Amonia and nitrite 0. Sorry I don't have test kits for iron etc...

btw, some java fern looked sick for a couple of weeks but has come good again.

Thu Nov 02, 2006, 04:37 AM
It could be the move,It could be the excel,It could be old.

Looks like you could add some PO4,That might help

Sat Nov 04, 2006, 07:36 AM
It could be the excel but I doubt it. More then likely it is giving you grief because of the move. I would remove the bad leaves as it seems there is no hope for those leaves to recover. This way it will promote new growth for new healthy leaves since the plant does not have to try to feed old dying leaves and can concentrate on new growth.
