Sat Sep 04, 2004, 12:33 PM
Here's an interesting story about our little run-around Malaysia to obtain a few discus. As many of our forum members who have often dropped by at SLS or spoken to have asked for some SH*T hot yellow and white fish (some "electric yellow" discus as someone put it), George sent me on a mission to hunt down the "bestest" :lol: Yellow and white discus.....
Needless to say, the first thing that came to mind was the 2004 Malaysian Discus Show Special Award Winner!!! I believe, never before in any discus show has a "Yellow and White" fish been awarded this prestegious award.
Trevor Parkes, the current Australian Discus Club president and certified discus judge was there at the recent show and he was among the few judges that bestowed the award upon this Yellow and white fish. (picture to follow down the page.).
This yellow and white fish is known as the "Super Orgon White" and the creator of this strain is one Mr Robert Chin of Melaka, South Malaysia. (Robert was also renowned for creating the "White Diamond" strain).
Here's where the story get's interesting.... We contacted Robert and enquired about getting his famed fish. We were interested in some juvenile fish at about 3inches. He set out the conditions of sale....
He would only sell us a limited number of juvenile fish IF and only IF we purchased 10 of the LARGE 5" fish. The demand for each large fish, let us say, was more than any other Discus we have ever bought in Penang! Infact, buying 10 of his large Super Orgons would total up to more than SLS has ever spent on a WHOLE SHIPMENT of fish!!
Anyway, after much negotiation and too much sucking up, we agreed to buy up the lot of fish to be split between SLS and a good friend of ours in Germany.
Let's just say the buy totaled to a 5 digit sum..... :wink:
By this time of negotiation going back and forth, these fish from Robert had already missed our Penang discus shipping dateline..... Hence, we had to bring in these exclusive fish a week later than the rest of the Discus from Penang.
As our proposed date of shipment out of Penang approached, we contacted Robert and asked for these Super Orgon Whites to be sent up to Penang to our lisenced exporter to be quarantined and then shipped. GUESS WHAT?! Nope, he wasn't going to send them up.... the fish had to be collected from him in Melaka. Now, this is an 8hour drive on a freeway to get from Penang to Melaka..... :roll:
..... So, my dear uncle in Penang makes a dash for Melaka, and 16hours later, he is back in Penang with some of these Super Orgon Whites.
These fish are now sitting in Quarantine soon to be released....
I hope it was all worth it....
Needless to say, the first thing that came to mind was the 2004 Malaysian Discus Show Special Award Winner!!! I believe, never before in any discus show has a "Yellow and White" fish been awarded this prestegious award.
Trevor Parkes, the current Australian Discus Club president and certified discus judge was there at the recent show and he was among the few judges that bestowed the award upon this Yellow and white fish. (picture to follow down the page.).
This yellow and white fish is known as the "Super Orgon White" and the creator of this strain is one Mr Robert Chin of Melaka, South Malaysia. (Robert was also renowned for creating the "White Diamond" strain).
Here's where the story get's interesting.... We contacted Robert and enquired about getting his famed fish. We were interested in some juvenile fish at about 3inches. He set out the conditions of sale....
He would only sell us a limited number of juvenile fish IF and only IF we purchased 10 of the LARGE 5" fish. The demand for each large fish, let us say, was more than any other Discus we have ever bought in Penang! Infact, buying 10 of his large Super Orgons would total up to more than SLS has ever spent on a WHOLE SHIPMENT of fish!!
Anyway, after much negotiation and too much sucking up, we agreed to buy up the lot of fish to be split between SLS and a good friend of ours in Germany.
Let's just say the buy totaled to a 5 digit sum..... :wink:
By this time of negotiation going back and forth, these fish from Robert had already missed our Penang discus shipping dateline..... Hence, we had to bring in these exclusive fish a week later than the rest of the Discus from Penang.
As our proposed date of shipment out of Penang approached, we contacted Robert and asked for these Super Orgon Whites to be sent up to Penang to our lisenced exporter to be quarantined and then shipped. GUESS WHAT?! Nope, he wasn't going to send them up.... the fish had to be collected from him in Melaka. Now, this is an 8hour drive on a freeway to get from Penang to Melaka..... :roll:
..... So, my dear uncle in Penang makes a dash for Melaka, and 16hours later, he is back in Penang with some of these Super Orgon Whites.
These fish are now sitting in Quarantine soon to be released....
I hope it was all worth it....