View Full Version : reds worms in nostrils ?
Sat Sep 04, 2004, 11:18 AM
Sorry for the rediculous subject but that is what it looks like. One of my tangerines has what looks like a red worm up each nostril. Is this usual ? Inflamed ? Is this a parasite ? What is going on. Could this be caused by high ammonia, nitrite ?... shoot I did not check before water change.
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 01:56 AM
Sorry. off the topic. what black gravel are you using. All the ones I have looked at raise the ph of the tank.
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 02:35 AM
I got the gravel from Slippery Little Suckers. It doesn't seem to raise the ph. I just checked it then it is 7, and I put it in at 7 last night.
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 07:04 AM
Is that the gravel form "Australian Pet Supplies"?
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 12:43 PM
You have to ask SLS. They are in Kingsford if you have not already been there ... worth the trip.
I am putting this red thing down as a stress reaction.
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 10:19 PM
:lol: definately not bloodworms up nostrils... :lol: I put it down to stress. I've seen some of these symptoms on newly arrived discus especially the light bodied ones like pigoens, whites, yellows etc.... seldom on Turquoise/Brown based fish.
To further show that it is OK.... here's pic of M'sian Grand Champ 2004... with bloodworms up his nostril! :lol:
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 10:23 PM
Black gravel does not come from Australian Pet supplies.
Oh, and where did you obtain that "Tangerine" from?
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 12:54 AM
You have to ask SLS. They are in Kingsford if you have not already been there ... worth the trip.
That is a joke. It is a small crappy little shop. The shop capacity is 3 people.
If you want to see an awesome fish shop go to St George Aquarium in Rockdale, that is worth a trip
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 05:21 AM
I have the same thing with one of my discus. Its been there for about a month and has not done any harm or spread to anyother fish. The only time i notice it isnt there is when the light is off for a long time. So other than the reddness id say theyre perfectly healthy; dont know what it is or how to get rid of it for good.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 07:04 AM
You have to ask SLS. They are in Kingsford if you have not already been there ... worth the trip.
That is a joke. It is a small crappy little shop. The shop capacity is 3 people.
If you want to see an awesome fish shop go to St George Aquarium in Rockdale, that is worth a trip
whoaaaaaa hold on a sec there mate
SLS is probably the leading lfs in sydney when it comes to selling discus. yes the shop is small in size but that is where it ends. sls import outstanding quality discus and sell them at very reasonable prices. St George aquarium come accross some"OK" from time to time, but very rarely. and when they do they charge double what they are worth. i think if you can tell a quality discus from a poor one you will know that SLS more thanh hold their own.
i'd think twice next time before i trash a lfs like SLS when it comes to discus. They specialize in discus and do pretty bloody well.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 09:50 AM
That is my opinion. SLS is a bucket shop. They have a doggy operation who tells customers they don’t give prices over the phone. When I was buying my eheim 2217 they told me come in for the price. When I got there for the price, they told me they don’t sell that canister.
Try it out, call them for prices, and see the response you get.
Forgot to mention while you are talking to them on the phone they cut you short because they need to use the phone for FPOS. (LOL)
NEVER EVER use St George Aquarium and SLS in the same sentence. It is embarrassing and un-Australian. St George is a business and SLS is a garage with a shop front.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 12:42 PM
Thats your opinion psx2doctor, and your entitled to have it.
I simply love SLS, I honestly think they have the healthiest fish I have ever seen in Sydney. Mind you I have not been to St George, they were closed on the Sunday I went to have a look. Anyway SLS will have all my business now when it comes to fish.
To answer your question kev, I got em from Aquarium North Shore ... did not know about this forum or SLS or xtreme until after ... Aquarium North Shore don't stock discus atm, and I don't think they had much luck when I bought my 4 juvs....
Good to hear you agree it is just stress ... thanx mate ;)
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:05 PM
i really don't know why you love st george so much. when i comes to discus theri quality is no where near the quality at sls. fair enough you had a bad experience at sls. but that is no reason to trash their entire set up. it's not logical.
but i guess if you like the discus at st george better than sls then you don't know the difference between a quality discus and a poor discus. good luck mate.... you need it
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:34 PM
I really don't want this thread to be a slinging match as I think it has some valuable information in regards to what may be quite a common thingy and which may have raised the same level of initial concern when I saw one of my discus with it ... 'bloodworms up the nose' ... hehehe
But psx2doctor, while I may have been to only about 8 LFS in sydney , nothing disappoints me more after I get over the inital daze of a huge aquarium store then when I actually start looking at the health of the average fish ... and sadly all my LFS have had a saddening effect on me ... seeing things like a Black Ghost Knifefish pecked to death because it was with incompatible fish mates and no one running the store to notice .... cause with all those tanks who could ... except a customer who wants to see what is in each tank ... and to see sick fish everywhere at so many stores ... really SLS is a breath of fresh air ... quality not quanity mate.
<Have not been to any other sponsers store except SLS so therefore excluded from comment or St George >
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:46 PM
psx2doctor - I find your comments very distressing and uncalled for. Please refrain from making unsubstantiated derogatory comments about one of the sponsors of this forum, and especially a sponsor who is kind enough to share his wealth of knowledge with our members. We are a group of serious discus keepers eager to expand our knowledge, and Kev has willingly given of his time and experience, to assist us in this endeavour.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 02:52 PM
Back to the topic, as the other issue isnt worth the typing.
It could just be a sign of stress, i have seen it on alot of my lighter colored discus. Might just be there way of showing stress and they dont get stress bars.
They have to tell you some how.. :lol:
Does it look like it is fading at all?? Might need to purchase some mini-klenex for him. :wink:
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 03:10 PM
Lol - you just crack me up flukes - mini kleenex indeed :lol: Thats what this thread needed - a little bit of humour. Thanks :wink:
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 09:34 PM
Hello Everyone,
I do not post on here very often but after looking at this thread, I thought it was supposed to be on Red Worms in Nostrils and someone asking for advice on the problem, and not about slamming businesses who are trying to make a living.
If anyone has a problem with a particular shop, air the view somewhere else as these sort of slammings are not good for the hobby in general.
Now I see why I don't post here much.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 09:59 PM
Merrilyn, who died and made you forum moderator? Why don’t you mind your own business sticky beak.
I personally buy my discus from Aqua Pets in Bondi Junction. They have 100’s to choose from
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 10:34 PM
Merrilyn, off the topic. What filtration do you ise for your discus tank?
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 01:08 AM
I have to admit, that SLS does not carry the biggest range of product and sometimes we can be out of stock of products that we do carry... we have to appologise for this.
In defence, we do try to cater for a lot and sometimes over stretch ourselves. It is true that the operation is run pretty much by 3 key people and our "bucket size" shop does not allow for a lot of space to store dry goods and product.
This has rather been complicated further by Eheim in Sydney pulling their plug on a long time wholesaler and distributor. (Currently ALL Eheim products get sold thru QLD).
SLS does not give prices of product over the phone for a number of reasons.
1. competitors call and price match.
2. some products are sold under the recommended retail price.. which makes wholesalers grumpy.
...... that said, we do not claim to be the cheapest product retailer in Sydney.
St George aquarium is as mentioned, an impressive place. I have the utmost respect for Carol and her operation there. Their strength is undoubtedly in Malawi cichlids. I visit them every so often and we have fish chats all the time.
Aquapets in Bondi juction is another nice place. Horsts has been an inspiration to many of us in the industry and don't I love picking his brain. :lol: Aquapets have some of the most interesting tetras and corydoras in Australia IMHO. A while back when I set up my planted tank, I hunted down some extremely rare tetras from Aquapets. :wink: Chris the new owner, SLS has had business dealings with prior to his aquisition of Aquapets.
Oh, although not mentioned in the same post, Rick at North Shore Aquariums also buys some fish wholesale from SLS. While we do not supply him with any discus yet, we may do so in the near future. :wink:
All these places mentioned above are good decent shops, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Having been a fish keeper for far too long, I don't think there is one place in Sydney or for that matter in Australia that can be good at everything. I travel and get around to various different shops to deal with what they specialise in.
Trust me, SLS is in the process of aquiring the block to expand. It has only been in operation for just over 2years and 9months and it has expanded faster than we had projected. Aquapets and St George have both had over 30years head start! They both started out as little bucket shops as well. :wink:
PS: as mentioned earlier, nothing is quite wrong with little red nose discus.
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 01:39 AM
Pehaps the moderator/administrator should remove posts which are not deemed approrpiate to the situation. End of story!
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 01:50 AM
Iam with Chilidfan, if you had a bad experience then thats you. Instead of coming on here and slamming, just buy elsewhere.
I must say i have never seen a hobby with so much bullsh*t behind the scenes, find a place your happy with and stick with it.
And for the sellers you shouldnt have to explain yourselfs, your business and quality of fish will speak for itself.
You guys should be so lucky too have shops that sell quality discus, in Melbourne there is only one discus specialist and his quality is getting worse and his prices are getting higher.
I find it amazing that Kev even bothered to justify himself, out of all of the retailer i have met, Kev is one of a few that hasnt bagged other sellers. In fact he always lists strengths of competitors rather than wekanesses. He has also helped me out even when he knew i got my last pairs of someone else he was more than happy to give me prices and advice on some new stock he had coming in.
The point of the matter is if your not happy, then go else where. To lable a shop like that is just not on, if you have ever tried to run a business you would realise it cant be fun all of the time.
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 02:13 AM
Sorry Kev, thanks for the explanation
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