View Full Version : Got some ideas on what i should breed?
Sat Sep 04, 2004, 09:04 AM
Hay guys and gals
looking for somthing to grow and breed in a series of tanks i have laid my hands on
not discus, these are all new tanks and a new filtration system
i want to get this system right they give it a go
what sells?
whats easy?
Sat Sep 04, 2004, 12:27 PM
Should say Red evils hahahhahah Nick would just about kill me.
Depends on your intrests, if your wanting to breed something just too make cash forget it. It will never work. If you get a fish you like, and have a chance they might breed and get your money back then your in business.
If it was me personally and i wanted something a bit exotic i would be calling kev for some ring worm pleco's, or frog pleco. Or 60% of the L list that i have been wishing to get for some time. :?
Sat Sep 04, 2004, 09:50 PM
here you go flukes
saw a thread on plant geek about useing tubs and they thought what they where useing where big feed troughs for cattle
they where pots like i use a work!
i called my supplier and have got 4 more coming on monday
trying to make the cheapest biggest series of growouts every
for the time being, i was thinking of somthing easy to grow, easy to sell off when the time comes
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 08:40 AM
guppies........just might find it hard too get rid of them, grgeat feeder fish for oscars though.
Sun Sep 05, 2004, 09:09 AM
i was thinking of some BN and some guppies although the plecs might be a good one as well
i send you a pic tomorrow after i add another four tubs
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 09:56 AM
Easy breeders and always wanted!!
siamese fighters!!!
cant go wrong
:D :D
red devils are easier to breed but they are tank busters, and will also hurt ya lol
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 10:00 AM
got 6 tubs now
about to add another 4
fish go in on the weekend
fun fun :wink:
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 11:10 AM
Angel fish and or cories. Cories are the best find a rare kind and you will make a fair bit of money.
Chris McMahon
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 11:27 AM
I'd suggest bns. Maybe peppermints, if you want a lower yield - higher price, which seem "in fashion" currently. Also albino bns seem to be taking off, selling for more than peppermints locally.
Generally anything with color will be bought by the LFS. The more color, more likely a shop will sell it.
Try asking your LFS what they would buy. They'll be more generous if you trade for store credit, rather than cash.
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 05:12 PM
I'd go for the 'bread and butter' fish that every kid wants to buy. Guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies even goldfish. Easy to breed. Easy to raise, and ready for sale in a couple of months. Quick turnover is the way to go :wink:
Mon Sep 27, 2004, 10:35 PM
Why has everyone left out Electric yelow cichlids? Easy and always in demand...
Tue Sep 28, 2004, 09:58 AM
:cry: my wife has just told me after i have cycled my tanks that she dosn't like the idea
:wink: i told her i wanted a compramise, new 7ft'er she agreed Ha ha ha ha
funny thing is i have to take the tubs to work for a big contract anyway
Tue Sep 28, 2004, 02:26 PM
Ryan that's just plain sneaky. Why didn't I think of something like that!
Wed Sep 29, 2004, 12:01 AM
Thu Sep 30, 2004, 09:58 PM
I keep forgeting to post on this topic, but today I remember but am in a rush.
If I had to breed one fish outside of discus it would be botia, cause I am passionate about these guys.
Botia , botia , botia !
I have 6 at home, 4 are 1 year old, 2 are about 4 months. I believe they take about 3 years to sexually mature, and their chances of beeding in a hobbists aqaurium is highly unlikely but you know ... I would try it anyhow because no other fish makes me laugh so much .... put them in the biggest tank and try to make a little sumatra ! When you mentioned the 7ft, I think I almost convinced the mrs that putting in a 6 ft in my computer room could be a kewl idea if I moved the botia to it.
Sorry I refer to them now as botia, instead of their common aussie name of clown loach, cause when I am in indonesia (their native home), if you say clown loach no one knows what you are talking about. Can you believe that in sumatra they sometimes eat these 30 cm giants !
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