View Full Version : Apisto tank advice
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 05:13 AM
Ok so im tempted by Apistos :lol:
Roughly what size tanks would be good for them (size/litres) ??
Can they be kept in smaller 'nano' tanks or will they require something a bit bigger for each pair ??
Just working out what i would need to buy if i want to get a few different pairs.
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 05:33 AM
Are you looking at mixing the pairs you maybe buying, or keeping each pair in a seperate tank.
Most varieties can do ok in small tanks, say 1ftx1ft, just look at a lot of breeder set ups. I'm always siding on the side of more space though. I don't have many tanks at this point but am planning my fish room. I like my little guys to be able to swim around and have some shoulder room.
If you're going to mix pairs at all, then straight away you'll need a bigger tank and a lot of advice from some of the regulars here in regard to compatible apisto species in the same tank. I f you check some of the earlier posts in this forum that topic has come up a fair bit before.
Highly recommend you start of on the common varieties, cacatuoides / agazzisii's. You can pick up fairly good specimens around the place for as low as around $15. Paying any less that that and I'd question the quality. Apisto's do have a knack of keeling over, so using these more common (and less expensive types) to build your experience, will definitely be a better start.
Ok so im tempted by Apistos :lol:
Roughly what size tanks would be good for them (size/litres) ??
Can they be kept in smaller 'nano' tanks or will they require something a bit bigger for each pair ??
Just working out what i would need to buy if i want to get a few different pairs.
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 05:33 AM
Hi Roy
I keep all mine in 2 x 1 x 1 tanks. You have to watch them carefully though in small tanks, some pairs get along great, some pairs kill each other when they have fry and some pairs just never get along...
And feel free to be tempted away..they are great little fish
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 06:02 AM
I use small tanks for breeders but keep a careful eye on them. Females will kill the male. A good size tank is 2 foot - I have 2- 14 inch tanks and 2- 2 footers (equivalent) for breeding ATM
Depends on species which tank they get. For examplePanduro pair were i a 2 footer so male has room to escape as in my experience females kinda have permanent PMT. One of my females ripped the lower half of a males face off in a four footer cuase she was in a bad mood. On the other hand my current pair are like too little lovebirds. Got them from a guy in Brissy who bred them and left both in a small tank with the fry without problems:shock:
So - remember they are a cichlid and may need to be seperated and with a handful of tanks you can do a lot.
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 07:39 AM
i wouldn't start in anything less than 2 ft tank
once the pair is established then smaller tanks are do-able though the larger space at the begiing makes things easier on fsh and aquarist
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 08:23 AM
Welcome to our addiction.
There are plenty of ordinary apisto around to start with, it is a must to check out for quality as cheaper fish do tend to come with some form of quality issue (deformations/colourless).
Had to agree a 2x1x1 would be minimal for a starting point. Apisto are generally bottom dwelling fish so deep tank is a bit of a waste unless you're setting up a planted community tank.
What type of tank setup are you intended to have them in? And the target tank pH? This is important as apisto species varies a fair bit with their requirement. For example, the common cacatoides would prefers a more neutral environment and cannot tolerate pH lower than 6 too well, but agassizi will be better suited for slightly acidic setup.
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.
Basically im looking at setting up a series of tanks at home, trying to decide what i want in them.
Tempeted by tetras, guppies, apistos, nano marine etc.
Been keeping fish for many years, and discus have been the latest thing.
Got a planted display tank in the lounge which im stocking out with corys and tetras, but want some more variety around the house :D
Was thinking apistos would be a good variation and i could keep them in smaller tanks, basically a pair to a tank with some plants etc.
A 2x1x1 is about 54 ltrs, so i shall look at tanks bigger than that, got to measure up some spaces at home to see what i can fit and where !
Would be looking at slightly acidic water, setting up the tanks for plants and the fish alone.
Thanks again.
Wed Oct 25, 2006, 12:01 AM
These little tanks are ideal!
Roy with your excellent knowledge of plants you will be able to make it look magnificent!
Wed Oct 25, 2006, 06:10 AM
Heheehe yeah pretty much what i was thinking Ben.
Get a few of those new Orcas and plant them up :D
Then its a matter of choosing Apistos.
Project for next month/xmas doing a little research at the moment.
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