View Full Version : My new "Bubble" Separator

Tue Oct 24, 2006, 04:59 AM
Hi guys, Was having issues with my bullying discus and decided on permanent separation for two of my babies... was using ugly green plastic trellis but racked my brain and came up with this solution which I think is much more pleasing to the eye and allows my other fish access to "all areas" whilst stopping the bullies from getting in. (we hope)

Here it is in action...



Hope you like... I have made a step by step DIY article in the DIY section.
It cost $10 to make... and $10 for the necessary drill bits (assuming you have a drill)... so a total of $20. Yay!!! I think its cool...

I call it my "bubble Separator" as I think the holes give the impression of bubbles rising from the bottom of tank.(creative licence being used :lol: )

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 11:20 AM
Nice one mate much better than the ones i have seen in the stores

Sammi many peopl have issues with discus pairs requiring seperation during or after the egg laying stage.

perhaps you should design a few and sell some to the members on the forum, I know i would be keen!

Sat Nov 18, 2006, 12:10 PM
Whats the diamensions on the section you have the 4 discus in? Looks abit crowded?

Its a great idea! I Would love one for my tanks (With smaller holes however)

Sam. :wink:

Mon Nov 20, 2006, 03:13 AM
Hi sam,
Its about one foot long and 14inch width...
It was only supposed to have two discus in it.... one smarty got through on the holes (I made it a little too big...that problem has been solved)

Unfortunately my bbt died yesterday (gibby sucking on slime coat) so there is only one in there.... the little one goes in and out as he pleases....

Mon Nov 20, 2006, 03:15 AM
Also guys, I have put a step by step in the DIY section if people want to make one....

or if someone wants me to make one for them just PM me and I am sure we can work out something reasonable.
