View Full Version : Venturi (is it a good way to provide oxygen?)

Tue Oct 17, 2006, 01:28 PM
Is a venturi good way to get oxygen into the water?Or is air stone or spray bar a better option.

I have a Juwel 240 with usual Juwel filter & Ecco canister.
I am using DI water.
ph6.5 kh2 gh4 amm0 nitrite0 nitrate10
temp 82

At the moment I'm trying to get everything at optimum or close to it. Next purchase is going to be uv steriliser.

glowlight tetras,diamond tetras,serpae tetras(this could be a mistake), cory's,bristle noses are the inhabitants at moment.

Discus will be added later when I'm happy with the tank.

Hope this all makes sense, Bri

Tue Oct 17, 2006, 02:33 PM
Bri, I have a venturi on some of my tanks, and find it a pretty good, if not noisy, way of moving the water. Discus like lots of oxygen, so I usually have an airstone in there too.

As you know, gas exchange takes place at the surface of the water, and airstones are excellent at keeping the water on a gentle roll so that the oxygen exchange can take place.

People with heavily planted tanks don't like them too much, because they encourage a CO2 loss from the water, and CO2 is what plants need to thrive.

But your discus will thank you for it. :P

Tue Oct 17, 2006, 02:51 PM
They are also a handy way to dose with DIY CO2 systems.

Tue Oct 17, 2006, 10:19 PM
Thanx for your help, much appreciated.
Is my seppae tetras a poor choice for a discus set up?


Wed Oct 18, 2006, 02:30 AM
Everything that I've read on Serpae tetras seems to hint at them harassing other fish to death. Never had them myself for this very reason. They show beautiful colours when kept correctly but I personally wouldn't risk it with my discus.
Hope this helps a bit.

As far as tetras go the most popular with discus seem to be Cardinals and Rummynose. They both seem to be fine with discus tank temperatures.

Wed Oct 18, 2006, 06:36 AM
Don't buy Serpae tetras they are a very bad choice you will regreat buying them soon as they are released from the bag becuase any fish with nice fins will be destroyed and any little tetras such as neons etc will be attacked there like little pirahans .

IMHO Keep away from them go for cardinals or rummynose or some different trtras or rasboras or something..

Good luck though.. 8-)

Wed Oct 18, 2006, 07:16 AM
get yourself some rummy nose, they look beautiful in groups

Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:06 PM
Ok chaps then it looks like will be takin' back serpaes, luckily I'm on friendly terms with LFS.
Turq's look like great fish, so that settles that too.

thanx for help. (what helpful bunch you are)

seriosly tho thanx Bri.