View Full Version : A. cacatuoides "orange flash"
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 12:28 PM
I'm interested in an A. cacatuoides "orange flash" male. Has anyone seen these around in the shops lately in Sydney? (I guess probably not in the last wee while, since I have been looking around and haven't found any.)
Or anyone to perhaps sell me one?
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 02:39 PM
I had this little fella a little while back. Got him from Aquapets but he got crook and died. Haven't seen many around lately but they pop up now and then.
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 03:09 PM
Wow, that's gorgeous Rob. Sorry to hear you lost him.
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 03:45 PM
Yeah I was bummed too. But with apisto's I think you get used to losing good fish.
I suspected he might have worms due to the stringy poo in that pic. Gave him the Prazi treatment and he never came out.:(
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 03:57 AM
SLS had a very small dodgy looking orange flash male in one of their tanks about a month ago. (The last of the bunch.)
BNC are going to be importing some yellow cac's in the future. Have already put my name down for some.
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 07:49 AM
There are yellow's at aquapets right now. BNC had some nice triple-reds about 2 weeks ago. Pretty expensive for cacs and there were no females that I could see.
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 08:51 AM
Yeah, the B&C triple reds are quite nice - I got one myself and for $35, it was quite expensive for a cac, but I couldn't resist.
Anyone else bought the "peru wild" cac from SLS? It is only F1, despite the "wild" designation. I suppose the "wild" bit only meant it didn't have a lot of colours! Mine died of dropsy- how are yours going?
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:54 PM
dropsy, like when they get fat and their scales stick out away from the body?
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 10:18 PM
but in small dwarfs they are prone to fish tuburculosis which comes from bad genetics and is heriditary
some people will miss diagnose the two
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 10:39 PM
If it's bacterial dropsy (pinecone), when caught early enough, repeated salt baths 2 - 3 times a day for a week help. I brought back a female aggie by putting her in a fry trap, one of those plastic ones, and putting about 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt in with her every 4 hours or so. The salt leaches out of the trap through the slits into the main tank (which in my case is a 4ft) so the fish is not constantly suspended in a heavy brine solution. I constantly fed live food, too, to keep up its interest in feeding. after a week the bloat had gone and the scales were back to their normal flatness.
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 12:08 AM
that orange flash is stunning!
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 07:28 AM
but in small dwarfs they are prone to fish tuburculosis which comes from bad genetics and is heriditary
can you support that statement
to my knowledge tb is infectious and has nothing to do with genetics
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 10:07 AM
I think he's saying that the susceptability to TB is genetic ... kind of like some people are susceptable to certain disease while others are not, due to a genetic resistance.
I gotta say though, that the only thing I've noticed Apistos seem more prone to getting is bacterial infections ... which becomes a lot rarer if one keeps them in acid water with peat (or equivalent) to keep the bacteria back.
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 05:17 PM
immunity to specific organisms is not a gentic trait
think vaccination, it is an induced or practiced response
the immune system is something that will work well and at other times will be poorly functioning - that is directly related to health and wellness of the organism
hence the lastest statement that providing good husbandry by appropriate water conditions reduces bacterial infections
i do not believe that bacteria can not live in acid water , they are just to versatile and adaptable to not be able too
think helicobacter as the organism implicate din stomach ulcer . i know that is a mamalian example
i do agree with the overall suggestion that tb can be a cause of dropsy(ascites)
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 11:23 PM
fishgeek said: immunity to specific organisms is not a gentic trait
think aids ... why are some people susceptible to it and others can't contract it at all? there is no vaccine and scientists believe its a genetic trait! just to use a mammalian example.
fishgeek said: i do not believe that bacteria can not live in acid water
no one ever said that, but there are water conditions which will inhibit the growth of bacteria, such as waters rich in humic acid, and slow their rate of reproduction. and I do believe that's a fact, as I've had talks about this with a friend of mine who is a micro biologist!
I do however agree with the overall statement that good husbandry and appropriate water conditions will produce strong and healthy fish which are much more likely to resist disease.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 07:44 AM
aids is a specific viral example
viruses multiply by incorporating themselves into the dna of their host cells
differences in dna are genetic and therefore genetics may play a part in the ability of virus's to replicate within individual hosts , as yet we are uncertain
TB on the other hand is a bacteria and does not multiply using host cell factors so i do not believe the above applies
it has also been suggested in aquatic circles that tb is more prevalent in the exact water type that you describe ? why as yet we are not certain
different bacteria will have prefered niche enviroments
host fish within those niche enviroent will develop immune response's to deal with those normally encounter pathogens
wicked are you also chris ?
as in do you have two log in's?
i was hoping that prehaps there was something he could direct me to that he had read from which the statement had been based
i am always looking to learn more though am quite cycnical i guess and need good proof to take on new information, or maybe that is just closed minded
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 10:27 AM
nah, sceptical is always good, man ... it keeps you questioning convention and solving those riddles which most people wouldn't even look twice at :)
and no, I'm not *chris*, I only have one login.
Mon Oct 23, 2006, 01:54 PM
I have young super orange from a pair that came through AI. They have orange fins, not red like the one in the photo. They have no black spots in the fins. They are only about3 cms so hopefully will be available in the not too distant future.
Incidentally I hear rumors of new Apistos and larger Americans in Sydney, but everyone seems to be keeping mum about what is really going on. I am still interested.
Mon Oct 23, 2006, 03:53 PM
I love a good rumour :) What have you heard?
Wed Oct 25, 2006, 09:54 PM
Heard some orange flash are coming out of quarantine in BNC late next week.
Fri Oct 27, 2006, 11:36 AM
Thanks to Thomas' tip, I got myself a nice and quite sizeable orange flash cac from B&C just today!
Fri Oct 27, 2006, 01:58 PM
Apparently they have some in now as well as in quarantine, sorry for the misleading informations :oops:
Sun Oct 29, 2006, 09:14 AM
Yep, I picked up a couple Orange Flash pairs from B&C on Saturday as well.
Sun Oct 29, 2006, 11:18 AM
Fill me in, whats the actually name of BNC and where are they located? :P
Sun Oct 29, 2006, 11:32 AM
Not sure what it stands for, but here is a link to yellowpages with their details: 160b3c&st=cs
Mon Oct 30, 2006, 12:16 AM
The link above won't work after a period of time.
The details are:
B N C Aquarium
Shop 490 Bunnerong Rd Matraville 2036
(Although his business cards have his name as B&C)
Barry, who owns and runs the place, is a big apistophile himself. He's quite enthusiastic about them. While he does have a business to run, I've found him to be one of those people who import and sell the apisto's b/c they genuinely love the fish. He's got some great specimens in his dsiplay tank too.
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