View Full Version : Albino Discus Problem (see pics) - UPDATED
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 08:24 AM
Hi Guys,
I have noticed as of late, that my albino appears a little more bloated than normal.
She is easily the one who scoffs the most food down, and usually has a swollen stomach as a result. But lately, she seems to be more swollen than usual.
I havent seen an increase in size on the other fish sharing the tank, so I think the problem is just with the albino itself.
It is still eating as normal, but it looks as if it just cant "do poo poos".
I have dosed the tank with epsom salts about 6 hours ago, and also added levamisole to ensure we arent dealing with a worm problem.
What else could it be?
I have tetracycline on standby as well as metronidazole if I need it.
Anybody experiences similar symptoms?
Could it just be egg-bound?
Hit me with your suggestions please people!!
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 08:48 AM
i'd guess worms. if the stomach is like this (_) between meals then its probably worms.
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 11:52 AM
Is the swelling the same on both sides, I mean, is it even or is it more noticable on one side than the other?
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 10:22 PM
Hi LR,
Yes the swelling is the same on both sides...
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 11:06 PM
id probably leave it with the epsom salts and see how you go maybe add more epsom salts to the tank
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 12:47 AM
I had the exact same thing happen to one of my GLSS.
How long has thier been a lump for?
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 05:24 AM
Thanks guys
Theres always been a lump but like its never been this big.
Sorta like how they can scoff heaps of food and then poop it out ?
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 10:54 PM
Hi G-1000,
I recently had the same issue with a female albino of mine. She had laid eggs and a week later was extremely bloated - got to the point that she couldn't swim (never seen a fish so bloated - looked like she was going to explode!).
I treated with epsom salts & Octozin which eventually got the bloat down, but then she also developed a swim bladder issue - not sure if the 2 conditions were related :?: I used Bactrim DS to treat for swim bladder problem, but I guess it was way too late to help -all up she had been laying on the bottom of the tank for nearly 2 months, without eating, so in the end, unfortunately, I couldn't see her recovering and had to put her down :cry: :cry: :cry: (I couldn't bear to see her like that any more).
I guess what I am trying to say is that your albino's bloat condition may also possibly lead to/involve the swim bladder - so it may be an idea to use prophylactic treatment to prevent any possible swim bladder issues that may occur. I am not sure if a swim bladder issue may develop in your albino, but I am only going on what happened to my poor little girl :cry: I would rather be safe than sorry!
I would be interested to see what any other of the forum members' opinion on this may be.
Cheers and good luck with your albino :D
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 11:21 PM
Id up the temps and start treating with salt.
curious about how such blockages can occur on such fine fish,, too much of one food? to much beef heart I wonder??
Tue Oct 17, 2006, 11:49 PM
too much of one food I'd say. happens to me with tetra colour bits.
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 12:39 AM
I would say it either:
A blockage in its intestine.
Or perhaps it could be a small growth like a tumour.
Keep us posted how the albino goes mate.
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 12:40 AM
your sposed to feed tetra colour bits to your fish not eat them yourself.
that is unless your trying to get a bit more colour in you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 12:44 AM
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:20 AM
how`s your blockage now samir?
try to lower your colour bit intake and include some prune juice :lol: :lol:
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:26 AM
in all seriousness now.
I had a blue turq which had similar.
after 3-4 days it let loose with a good bit of fertilizer and several large air bubbles (ferts and farts).
it has since done this a few times.
I wouldn`t worry about it to much unless it shows signs of stress or illness.
salts may help to clear a blockage.
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 05:40 AM
what news G ?
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:35 PM
Hi All,
The blockage is still there.
It is fractionally smaller and I have seen it pass out solid dark brown poo.
Im thinking it may just be egg-bound? It seems to be eating and pooping fine - so whats the deal?
Should I pre-emptively hit it with tetracycline in a hospital tank ?
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:40 PM
In response to the questions as well -
Diet is 1x seafood (beefheart-derived) mix in morning
1x granule food at night
Then occasional bloodworms during the week at various times.
I have increased temp to 32 degrees to speed up metabolism.
I will make an assessment tomorrow..
Wed Oct 18, 2006, 01:57 PM
Hiya G,
Are you able to tell if the swollen area is hard or soft ? ie: hard tissue or fluid ?
Might be worth quickly netting her and having a gentle feel of her tummy mate, it could be alot of things ... very hard to tell.
How swollen is the tummy before feeding ? Are the poo's large or small in comparison to how much she eats ?
scott bowler
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 12:57 AM
hi G- 1000 its not a good idea to give it frozen blood worm i beleave its not a good idea to feed it to them at all the blood worm has small hair on the skin and these harden when frozen it can causes blockages as it may have with your is much better to try live worms .hope it gets better mate scott
scott bowler
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 02:05 AM
hi i just remembered i once had a prob like it and i found that my fish would have gas and it did go away but it was some time before it did i first though it had a swim blade prob but it stayed up right .so it may be what is wrong with your fish . just to try to ease the worry m scott
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 03:50 AM
G'Day Dee,
The stomach is the same sort of hardness as the rest of the body. So I dont think its conclusive for this case, but I know what you mean - that has worked for me in the past to help tell what it is.
Point taken with bloodworms - I have had a similar issue with bloat in malawi cichlids (obviously different type of digestive tract, but same idea anyhow). I will change its food to being the beefheart mix, with some food granules.
I have tried to give hikari brine shrimp, to put some roughage through there, but they all refuse to eat it. The one thing they dont go for...
I will continue feeding without bloodworms for a week or so I think and then see if there is any change. If not - I will then use a changed beefheart recipe with peas (for laxative effect) combined with metronidazole (to remove bacterial possibility).
I feel like House MD! I just hope I am as good with patients as he is. Ha Ha
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 05:11 AM
Well People
I have gone ahead with a tetracycline treatment for the whole tank anyway.
The epsom salts have done nothing. So it must be bacterially-related.
I have included a few pics.
Basically I am using only one canister atm - since the meds will kill the biofilter. And will save the bacteria from the other filter in a bucket and hook it up with an air pump and a daily dose of ammonia to keep the bacteria going.
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 05:12 AM
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 05:42 AM
you always have things so clean and organised. good luck with them. a good idea with antibiotics is to mix them with food. 750mg tetracycline HCl per 100 grams beefheart mix. that way you wont kill your biofilter and its much more effective.
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 06:31 AM
I keep my fish how I would like to be kept so yeh its pretty clean man.
So clean as possible tank (im not really into living in my own poop and left over food hehehe) should give me healthy fish.
But yeh you are right about the antibiotics. The only prob is my fish spit out food which isnt "normal" unless i starve them for like a week or so.
Thu Oct 19, 2006, 12:04 PM
G'Day Dee,
The stomach is the same sort of hardness as the rest of the body.
JMO here G, but I would be thinking either cyst,tumour or deformity. IMO if it was bacterial you would have a soft fluid like bulge. If it is egg bound a gentle massage of the tummy may dislodge the eggs. Best of luck with the fish mate ... hopefully it all pans out.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 02:34 AM
Hey Dee,
When you say if its egg-bound then giving a gentle squeeze may help them come out - how gentle are we talking?
After 24 hours of tetracycline, there is only a marginal improvement in the size of the tummy. Is this considered normal time? Or will it take longer to act if its a bacterial infection ?
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 03:28 AM
Ok everyone,
I have just had a feel of the swollen area again and it is definately hard, similar to the rest of the fishes body.
I am thinking tumour atm. But I will run the course of tetracycline anyhow in the hope that somehow the little fella improves.
Fingers crossed
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 03:54 AM
When you say if its egg-bound then giving a gentle squeeze may help them come out - how gentle are we talking?G
Hi G,
Having never had to do it myself, I would asume it would be similar to milking salmon roe, although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who hasnt done it.
Regarding the tetracycline, if it is bacterial, I assume it would take longer than 24 hours to see a noticible difference ... maybe 72 hours ?
I still think it could be a tumour or deformity/malformation of sorts, but as I said it's very hard to tell :(. Let us know how the tetracycline treatment goes mate ... best of luck !
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 06:17 AM
It is still hanging in there with the meds.
It has pooped out some solid looking poo since I gave it a gentle rub but still has the lump. Meds have been running around 30 hours now.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 06:52 AM
I have just witnessed the albino drop a half-brown, half-mucusy pus looking poo.
Upon taking a picture of its current condition, all signs are good. It has full fin extension and the lump is getting smaller even if little by little.
I think that this may indicate at least a partly bacterial cause.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 11:10 AM
maybe add some metro to some food and try feeding her some of that and see how you go could be an internal infection of some sort
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 11:41 AM
Yeh I am currently giving it treatment for a bacterial infection, but im a bit reluctant to try 1 med internally and another med in a bath on it.
It seems to be getting better - time will tell.
If for some weird reason it dies, I will open it up to see if it is a tumour and if not, I will get the pus or whatever is inside cultured.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 12:10 PM
im a bit reluctant to try 1 med internally and another med in a bath on it.
Good thinking G best not to mix meds, well by the sound of it there is some form of internal infection goin on, the mucasy poo. Sounds like the tetracycline is doing something. What confuses me is, if it is an internal infection you would think the albino would of stopped eating by now.
One suggestion my fish vet once offered once, was to bag the fish (big bag) and float it in the tank until the fish passes another mucasy poo, the mucas can then be collected for testing without it having touched the tank floor and being contaminated ... just an idea :)
All the best with the albino mate,
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 08:03 PM
I'm glad you post something like this. My discus were having big tommy and I just fed them de-worm food for the last few days. It looks like all of them improved and the big tommy are now not much noticable. I'm going to have the same fed for 7 days, as the instruction says.
Thanks for bring this up. I thought that my discus were just filled with food. I guess I was wrong. They had worms for sure.
Fri Oct 20, 2006, 10:16 PM
i find that brime shrimp is a great food source when your fish is having issues like this. Its like the human version of bran.
just some food for thought.
mistakes r crucial
Sat Oct 21, 2006, 02:19 AM
Hi G,
I have a similar issue with one of my Golden Leopards, she spawned and became very dark and initially I thought it was just the way she was whilst spawning but nope, she's stayed dark and has had a lump both sides for a month or more. The only thing I can find in the old Untergasser bible is either worms or abdominal dropsy.
I've treated for worms with Levamisole but she's no better so now I'm about to try what you are, Tetracycline. If that doesn't work he says we can also use Chloramphenicol (carcinogenic so be careful), Oxytetracyclin or Nitrofurantoin but the latter is really for very early stages of dropsy.
I'm going to have a chat to our vet on Monday so if I can find out anymore I'll most certainly let you know. Best of luck with it mate, I think we both might need a bit. Like Elvira, I lost a couple of imports 2 years ago to this problem.
Sat Oct 21, 2006, 04:42 AM
Hi Guys,
Just another update,
It is now uhmmmm say i guess 48 hours into treatment, I have seen a behaviour improvement (this may also be due to hyperactivity from tetracycline), on top of this, there is a reduction in appetite (also due to the tetracycline i assume).
In any event, the lump is still there, probably the same size.
I will treat the fish with medicated food (prazi) after the treatment time is over and see if that will dislodge the lump.
If that doesnt work then I think its safe to assume I am dealing with a tumour.
Sat Oct 21, 2006, 06:14 AM
I believe I have found the culprit.
The spotted snake I have also stopped laying eggs at around the same time and whilst, not bloating, has been subject to the same treatment in the tank.
I have attached pictures of some sort of worm hanging from the anus of the fish - this is still inside the fish despite my worming with prazi and levamisole.
I will now definately put the wormer in the food and not in the tank water as a bath to remove this problem.
On a side note, the RGD is looking fantastic atm and I am not sure why either.
P.S It is looking good for some albino intermediate babies in the future.
Sun Oct 22, 2006, 01:03 PM
what news ? is it better ?
Mon Oct 23, 2006, 12:03 AM
Albino still has bloated appearance.
I will worm it with prazi in the food on thursday.
If that doesnt work then it looks like the stairway to heaven for the little lady.
Wed Nov 01, 2006, 02:00 AM
Hi G,
Any luck with your albino discus??
Wed Nov 01, 2006, 11:21 AM
Hi Elvip
For the moment the little lady looks ok.
I am about to run a comprehensive prazi course (I have given it a rest for a couple of weeks)
I will update pics soon
Wed Nov 01, 2006, 09:34 PM
That's great to hear G!!! :D
Glad that she is pulling through - keep us posted.
So did you ever really figure out what the problem was????
Wed Nov 01, 2006, 10:53 PM
Working on the principle of elimination - it isnt bacterial infection, or threadworm/roundworm.
So it is one of:
Tapeworms or obstruction of its anus/spinchter by something or just a slow growing tumour.
If the tapeworms idea doesnt work then it looks like a tumour.
She is eating as normal and being active and bossy.
Bill T
Thu Nov 02, 2006, 04:23 AM
I know it is hard to get hold of, but if you can find some Octazin, I reckon that will solve your problems.
Thu Nov 02, 2006, 04:48 AM
just a thought, if you're feeding dry foods maybe try pre soaking them.
Thu Nov 02, 2006, 08:13 AM
I do soak the food i use before i feed it... So no worries there...
I can get hold of octazin fairly easily, but will it actually help?
Fri Nov 03, 2006, 04:25 AM
I have just gotten hold of a huge amount of octazin and I will hit them with it. I have seen other stories of people using it with success.
Like I said, if the albino survives, I will make it spawn and have the intermediates available to all of you here on the forum.
Bill T
Fri Nov 03, 2006, 04:50 AM
Good luck with the Octozin.
I found it to be amazingly effective in clearing intestinal infestations.
I administerred it as per instructions & got an ammonium spike aftet the third dose - not huge - which I managed with extra water changes and lower pH.
Fri Nov 03, 2006, 04:55 AM
where can you get it from G ?
scott bowler
Fri Nov 03, 2006, 06:14 AM
hi guys its a great product octozin it is still hard to get it was taken of the market here for a while becouse it was to stronge and isnt good for people (i beleave ) but it works so if you can get it it is great good luck G hopr this works for you scott
Fri Nov 03, 2006, 12:41 PM
Goodluck G.
Just make sure your removing the other meds after you treat the tank. :)
Mon Nov 06, 2006, 11:06 PM
Octozin has not produced a change...
I will be concentrating on breeding it before she passes on...
Mon Nov 06, 2006, 11:21 PM
Heya G,
Well looks like you have tried all you can mate, I would still be thinking tumour or malformation if there has been no result from all the meds. IMO if the fish is eating and acting relatively happy, leave her be ... just keep an eye on the lil battler.
Tue Nov 07, 2006, 04:11 AM
if you've tried everything maybe after a little break you could use a different antibiotic like erythromycin in a food mix. tetracycline hardly works for anything these days so there's a chance that its a resistant bacteria. also there's a fish vet at maybe a stool sample may finally get to the bottom of the problem.
Wed Dec 06, 2006, 08:47 AM
The little bugger is still hanging in
But the bloat is worsening...
What can I do?
Andrew Soh
Wed Dec 06, 2006, 10:06 AM
Is he still eating, G?
Is the discus bred by you or purchased...and @ what size?
Such bloating is water retention in the abdomen cavity if the discus can still consume food and pass least in the beginning of the bloating.
Some discus are highly sensitive to drugs and chemicals. Everyone knows that the frozen bloodworms prepared by producers even go to the extend as to say that their products have gone through how many layers of treatments and assure they are free from parasites....this and that good.
What are the treatments they use to sterilise the bloodworms? formalin..or ???. Ozone cannot work within that short period can't UV.
If you refer to my book 137, there are two photos. One with a dying liver while the bottom shows a healthy liver. Both of the livers belong to living discus.
Could your discus's liver been damaged by toxin?...and is killing the liver slowly? Some discus are less tolerant to chemicals than others. As the liver waste off, bacteria proliferation increases thus leading to bacteria infection ... thus bloating of the belly (as the cavity is where the liver is).
Could your discus have consumed chemicals...through unknow source? I am not saying that it is definitely frozen blood worms.......but it has been known that overloading of chemicals and drugs on the liver will destroy it!!!
Worse, breeders think it is a normal bacteria infection and the reaction is to put tons of drugs further load the liver forcing it to its limit...fueling further damage....finally mortality.
By the way, I don't agree with feeding live freshwater aquatic animals too.....sorry.
The good news is that liver can regenerate if it is partially .....try no to load it futher.
What you should try..if it is still eating, is to :
1) Starve it for a few days (5)
2) After that, feed once a day, in very small quantity for the next one month. Add B-complex (sugar-free) and B-12 into the food. 150mg B-C and 20mg B12 to 1 kg food
3) Increase heater to 30c and try to maintain pH @ 6.0
4) Maintain good water quality
5) Don't put any antibiotics if possible (definitely not tetracycline)
6) If you want, just add metronidazole for 12 days @ 1.2gm(dissolved) to 100 litre of water.
Give a chance for the liver to regenerate...if it is still saveable. I don't know which stage yours is may be too late....could have done it earlier.
Sorry G-100...didn't drop in this thread earlier...too busy with my snack shop......
Take care and let me know.
Wed Dec 06, 2006, 11:06 AM
Thankyou very much for your input Mr Soh,
I bought this discus from a previous sponsor of these forums, whom in hindsight, have some extremely bad practices with keeping their discus.
It was bought at around 4 inches. It is now about 5-5.5 inches.
As for the liver, I have thought that to be the case - unfortuneatly in my case, I have treated the fish with praziquantel, octozin, metronidazole, tetracycline, methylene blue and malachite green as well as epsom salts and sea salt over a period of about 3 months.
So from where I am sitting - it looks like the damage has been done from a previous exposure to something and the lump in the fish has been getting steadily larger since acquired. So no matter what meds I use - it will not help it.
What should I do? My instincts tell me to just be humane and put the fish down but by the same token I dont want to give up on it.
Andrew Soh
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 01:10 AM
you havenot told me whether he is still eating. Let me know...
In the meantime....either you put him down or try my suggestion.
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 04:25 AM
Oh whoops
Yes the fish is still eating...
I will try your suggestion
Bill T
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 04:32 AM
Of course, we all hope that your fish overcomes it's health problem and thrives. However, in the case of it's demise, would you consider getting a fish competent vet to do an autopsy - I for one am highly curious about this fish condition?
Andrew Soh
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 06:36 AM
Hello G,
Good to know he is still eating.
Try what I suggested but since it has been quite a while, I would further suggest no metronidazole for the time being. Medication may accelerate the damage.
Follow all the suggested steps beside the metro (hold first).
In place of the metro, add 50gm of salt to 100 litre of water (must be a clinical tank) for the first week.
On the second week, increase the salt to 100gm per 100 litre of water....and if there is some improvement (swelling slightly reduced), add suggested.
If you observe that the discus is still improving, on the third week, increase salt to 150gm per 100 litre of water and on the fourth week increase to 200gm per 100 litre of water (2ppt).
During this period...feed once a day....and make sure the food is finished within 15 minutes max.
Take care,
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 06:38 AM
Thanks Andrew. We appreciate your advice :P
Andrew Soh
Thu Dec 07, 2006, 09:43 AM
Welcome :wink:
Take care,
mistakes r crucial
Sun Dec 10, 2006, 08:03 AM
Talk about a living legend!
Tue Dec 19, 2006, 03:15 AM
ive gotta agree i have had the same problem twice with the one fish it gets bloated from eating tetra bits.
Andrew Soh
Tue Dec 19, 2006, 06:02 AM
Then, what happened...Azza?
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 06:48 AM
I now have the albino as the only fish left in the tank.
The bloat has worsened even without meds in the tank and salt etc...
I am thinking either tumour of some sort, or a massive internal infection.
I will treat for the next week with prazi and octozin at the same time and basically, if that doesnt yield any change I will attempt a direct injection of metronidazole into the regions affected, both to drain the body cavity and also to give a large amount of meds for any possible infection.
I will open the fish up if it passes on i.e autopsy and show you guys what has happened.
Obviously I hope it doesnt come to that.
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 07:03 AM
G do you think there's a chance it could spawn ?
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 07:09 AM
I dont think it would spawn atm.
Possible but unlikely.
Ill be pumping it with food all this week so if its improves a bit you can try it with any male you want. Whether it improves or not is a big if.
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 07:13 AM
i don't think metro will do anything, if it actually is an infection, maybe try a different antibiotic ? something thats not commonly used in the fish trade ? be careful when giving injections, I've killed quite a few
here are some dosages
injection: 12.5 mg/kg single dose long acting preparation
ampicillin injection: 10 mg/kg daily
BorgalŪ injection: 75mg/ kg at four day intervals
injection: 40 mg/kg daily
injection: 30 mg/kg on alternative days
injection: 5-10 mg/kg on alternative days 3-5 injections
gentamicin injection: 3-5 mg/kg on alternative days #
injection: 10 mg/kg single dose long-acting preparation *
scott bowler
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 07:13 AM
mate at the end of the day he is still a nice fish and it would be a shame if you lose it . maybe if you have tryed every thing some one else my have a go if you dont put him down .
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 08:06 AM
Have you try PIMAFIX as I treated these young discus with it after trying metro and several other meds which didn't stop the deaths.Lost a spawn and half of fish (300 young discus) till I treated with this.Lost only two more fish and they had stopped eating.
Andrew Soh
Fri Dec 29, 2006, 11:48 AM
Sorry mate,
That your discus is not getting better....maybe the problem has proceeded too far..
Maybe what you can do is ....
Use a fine needle, poke a few mm into the cavity of the belly and pull out...avoiding the intestine and the rest..... and see whether any water comes out.
If there is water, squeeze it out and press the wound for 20 seconds so that the tissue covers itself. After that, put back into water and treat the water with some anitibiotic(s).
Sorry ...can't be of much help.
Andrew :(
Sat Dec 30, 2006, 10:59 PM
I have commenced the first direct injection into the fish, the lump has decreased in size by around 10-20 percent overnight.
I will leave the fish in the prazi/octozin treated water and continue to use direct injections of metronidazole.
Although there is still huge bloating, the injections seem to have produced at least some result thus far.
Andrew Soh
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:29 AM
I don't think you can inject metro directly. It will kill your discus in due time.
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 01:47 AM
After the second injection, the swelling has dropped about another 10-20%.
It seems to be coming down slowly and the fish is becoming more active and pooing a whole lot more.
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 06:32 AM
thats great news G, I hope it gets back to normal.
Andrew Soh
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 09:57 AM
Is the water still with medication?
At least it confirms one thing....that not all bloated is related to constipation as suggested by many biologists and generally seem to blame 'bloating' on could very well be water retention in the cavity :wink: .
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 10:40 AM
Hi Andrew
Yes meds are still in the tank. I have added salt to the water to try to help the fish lose the swelling too.
It is early days, but the swelling has visibly dropped...
Andrew Soh
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 10:46 AM
Did you so-called injected the normal metronidazole into him?
Andrew :D
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 10:56 AM
I have injected into the fish now on 3 nights in a row.
Basically, I get about 5mls water and around .5g metro and try to mix the two. Then for any metro dissolved in the water or any crystal of it small enough to get sucked into the syringe, I administer to the fish.
I use a 0.3 gauge syringe (i.e it is a fine needle).
Andrew Soh
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 12:47 PM
Hope everything will be O.K.
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 03:10 AM
Where abouts are you injecting the fish? Into the lump?
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 05:43 AM
Injection into the lump
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 08:07 AM
any better ?
scott bowler
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 08:15 AM
hey G i hope that you are keeping a log of this treatment it will come in handy you could even print it on the forum as a sticky if they let you .its even got the master keeping an eye on the progress and that is so cool
Tue Jan 02, 2007, 08:22 AM
Lump seems to have subsided approx 5-10% more.
When the fish is held, the mass no longer feels as firm, more like a partially deflated balloon. Not sure if this is good or bad, I guess it indicates that the fish was holding water internally.
The fish doesnt seem to mind the injections too much - it doesnt breathe rapidly or anything after dosage of metronidazole.
I will update with pics soon.
Wed Jan 03, 2007, 07:13 AM
Hi Scott
I think everyone is interested. As it's still alive.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:38 AM
Well Guys,
It is my sad duty to inform you that I awoke this morning to find the albino dead. I have tested the water and it appears to be due to an ammonia spike - potentially brought on by the meds being used, combined with a lower level of water in the tank.
I was having success with reducing the size of the lump from injections, but as you will see from the dissection I performed on the lump/mass on the abdomen, the injections wouldnt have mattered in the long run anyhow...
A big thanks goes out to all those who helped out with treatment and provided input, but I guess some fishes just arent meant to be saved.
Pics to follow this post below..
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:48 AM
The two pictures with this post, are what the fish looked like when I found it this morning.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:50 AM
The next two pics show the amount of fluid retained in the abdomen, so that when I made the first incision, all this fluid came out.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:53 AM
These next pics show the first piece of flesh removed, showing the internal organs. All seemed normal at this point. Note the liver is healthy and red in colour - i.e not caused by a liver problem.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 12:56 AM
Next, I looked a little bit deeper inward.
The intestines were normal and not blocked, and no evidence of worms.
i.e bloat not due to constipation.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 01:01 AM
However, here is where the problem is found. When the liver is retracted backward, on the inside surface of the liver is a highly vascular mass, which does not match the rest of the liver. When gently squeezed, it contained a LOT of blood.
This is a tumour inside the abdominal cavity and in my opinion is responsible for the initial bloat. As this tumour has progressed, the abdominal cavity has retained a whole lot of water. Thus, the infection caused by this water retention would have been assisted by the injections of metronidazole and the medication baths, however the tumour being present would mean that the bloat would never totally go away.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 01:05 AM
The dark area of the liver shown here marks where the tumour was cut off.
I did not dissect the fish further to find the original tumour (if one present before the liver tumour) because it would prove too difficult, and would not matter anyhow.
mistakes r crucial
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 04:47 AM
Hi G,
Sorry for the loss, its always a pain in the ass. Mate, you get 15 out of 10 for persistence and caring, a true Discus nut you are.
Andrew Soh
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 06:08 AM
Sorrry about your loss,buddy....
I think the cause of it is not that of the initial problem but rather the metronidazole injection.
Introducing medication meant for ingestion is already wrong.
Intracavity medication may be quite similar to intravenous but you cannot introduce medication for consumption by the same means...there may be impurity...
Take care, it is a good try...
scott bowler
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 07:32 AM
sorry for you loss mate you gave it your best and tried every thing . becouse of that you can rest easy you can only do you r best well done all the best
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 09:46 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Just never good to lose a fish you like so much.
I will take this as a challenge - to get new discus and breed them, since I didnt have the chance to breed the albino. I will be on the look out for top quality juvis - so Xtreme, Fishrock get your best stock in!!!
But more importantly, at least the little bugger is no longer suffering.
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 11:02 AM
Sorry about your albino, as I do like this topic you put on. Unfortunately it have to end this way. Since you put so much into this albino you are welcome to pick one from my albino lots if you like the drive.
All the best
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 01:31 PM
What a wonderful offer Dachoo.
I love this forum.
You guys rock :P
Thu Jan 04, 2007, 01:41 PM
G, I am so sorry that you lost your albino girl, I have watched this thread, hoping that a positive result would occur... but as you say at least she is not in pain.
Dachoo, I think that is such a nice thing to offer!!!
Im with LR! This forum rocks!!!!! :-)
Fri Jan 05, 2007, 01:54 AM
Thanks for the offer dachoo,
I will have to pass on that though.
This forum has always rocked though guys - cmon we all knew that.
Fri Jan 05, 2007, 03:33 AM
Very true G!!!
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