View Full Version : need some help
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 12:14 AM
Hi guys and gals
I have had this problem b4 but i have never been able to save the fish. My fish has a something like a white mucus over its right eye. What can i do to fix the problem?
The other fish are fine and my water conditions are back to normal after i found that my nitrate was rather high around 80 where it should be 0 - 40 its at 40 now but i am taking out another batch of water to get the nitrate even lower.
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 10:57 AM
please guys i need some help on this situation. Its a cloudy muchassy type thing over its eye
Mon Oct 16, 2006, 11:04 AM
Hi - it could be Cloudy Eye. According to the following website:
SYMPTOMS: The eye developes a cloudy, white film over it.
TREATMENT: It may be a bacterial problem or caused by poor water quality. If it is bacterial an Antibiotic such as Tetracycline or TriSulfa may help. Other medications that may be used are Maracyn-Two and Fungus Eliminator. Regular water changes may help reduce the problem as well.
Mon Oct 23, 2006, 11:34 PM
Hi Azza,
I also have had a similar issue in the past with some of my discus - white cloudy lining over the eye of the discus (almost looked like a cataract).
I was told it was a fungal infection of the eye. I treated with Waterlife's Protozin (broad spectrum antifungal) which eventually removed it over the course of about a week. Increaing the water temp from 30-32 degrees celcius will also help aid in recovery of the infection (just remember when you up the temp of the water, that you have sufficient oxygen going into the tank via air stones or similar - as increased temps will deplete oxygen in the water- which won't help the fish recover at all)!
Hope this helps.
Tue Oct 24, 2006, 03:27 AM
tri sulfur seems to cure this
it sounds like calmanaris
keeping your temp up will cure this for sure
Thu Oct 26, 2006, 09:35 PM
occular conditions are often frustrating to treat because they involve a significant amout of inflammation(keratitis) that is very difficult to treat for the average hobbyist
keratitis will often show as white clouding of the cornea and progress to neovascularisation or sometimes ulceration
most topical eye prepartions for other species contain both antibacterial and antinflammatory components - corticosteroidal antiiflammmatory medications are contra-indicated in ulcerative conditions
in unilateral eye conditions i have had good success in topically applying these type of preparatins directly onto the eye 2 or 3 times daily
if you can find an oily solution then it will also have some barrier type effect and prehaps stay on the eye for longer
as has been suggested proud white cotton wool type growths can be either fungal or bacterial(columnaris)
appropriate medication and usually a slight reduction in temperature will aid this
increasing temperature in the case of columnaris will only favour bacterial reproduction
in all eye situations clean water is a must
Fri Oct 27, 2006, 03:32 AM
Hi Azza, that's great advice. I hope it was some help to you.
How is the fish looking now, has there been an improvement.
Just on a side note, your nitrates are way too high at 40. You need to try to keep them under 10 for optimum discus health. More frequent waterchanges will improve the situation.
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