View Full Version : NEED HELP
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 11:41 AM
just couple of weeks back ,, one of my discus had a slightest of fin rot ,, i treated with salt , with green liquid and looked as if she is improving.
Few people here recommended me to go for a bare tank. around 5 days back , i cleaned my tank throughly and removed the gravel. In the last five days i have seen the fin rot getting bad in the affected fish , also the rest three have developed the fin rot .
The first discus has got its tail and fins both affected now. Now i am using formaline to a dosage of 2ml per 32 gallons. And now i have noticed after few hours that a white patch , around halft an inch has developed on her body. Temperature maintained at 30c , should i raise it???
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 02:35 PM
Formalyne is a strong drug be carefull with it, i would actually think it might be due too ammonia. Either that or velvet. Check your ammonia levels and get back to us. I you can get a pic that would be great. NO MORE Formalyne. Hope you used the correct dosage with it aswell because if you use too much it can create more problems.
If it is fin rot, salt or meth blue/mach green will fix it. The only other thing i can think of that would effect the find like that is ammonia burns. Are you keep regular water changes and was the tank cycled?
So now, check ammonia level then do a water change, replenish any salt taken out by the water change. Check ammonia levels again. Also check ph and make sure when our doing water changes that the ph is the same. No point doing water changes if it stresses the fish out more than high nitrates would.
Read the bottle on the "green med" you got, and list ingredients i know it must contain machalite green but does it contain anything else?
If you can take a photo it will help us determine exactly what it is.
Wed Sep 01, 2004, 07:26 PM
hello :( , sorry for a late reply ,, hehehe ,, thats becoz i have a fractured leg now. so i just was forced to take a day off , anyway ,, it's hard to take a good picture of it . but things are getting bad here .
All four have tail rot now ,, dont have ammonia in the tank ,, doing water changes every third or fourth day... i also saw one fish scratching itself , also darting as if it's been bitten.
nothing is working for me here ,, really worried about my discus.. one of the discus is also getting dark ,, and the fins and tail they are not improving for any fish.
:? :? :? :? :?
Thu Sep 02, 2004, 08:51 AM
start by leaving it alone
just keep doing what you are doing but don't touch the inside of the tank for a month
if somthing is in the wrong place in the tank, too bad
keep the salt up and keep the temp up
do your normal water changes every two days for a week
then every third day for a week
then go back to your normal routine
my main concern is that you don't touch the tank at all for 4 weeks!
keep us posted in the mean time with updates so we can help
Thu Sep 02, 2004, 12:49 PM
I agree with Kaleb, my fish got sick when I added gravel while they were still in the tank .. that move majorly stressed them and they went 'white spot'ing.
After a while I got them use to plastic tall amazon plants, which they love and have made fav spots out of ... so what did I have to do ... decide its time to rearrange the tank and add live plants ... 'boinggggg' ... all were major stress heads ... so I changed their tank back to how they liked it ... immediately they were 'cool calm collected' , the 3C's discus again ... moral of the story ... keep your hands out of the tank (except for water changes) as much as you can.
Also I can say that I have learned so much from this experience, I am now anally planning my new tank to avoid making huge changes while the fish are settled.
Thu Sep 02, 2004, 05:26 PM
Well , one of my disucs , kicked off tonight , even hours before dying she was feeding. She was losing the balance (used to eat like pigs) , started scratching against objects , got really dark.
just adding salt now , and maintaining temperature around 32C. The tail of one of the discus has still that white edges around the affected part , that means they are still rotting up. I am making daily water changes which would cast out the possibility of ammonia burns , so it needs to be something else.
Also all the discus , they seem to gasp a bit at higher rate. could you please specify , the rate of gasps per second or minute that is considered on the higher side , and could translate to any disease.
I have just got methly blue , please tell that how much it is affective against the tail rot .
Thu Sep 02, 2004, 07:43 PM
ok there is something i just found out , i had three dwarf catfish in my tank , as i changed my water today , i noticed that there were just two of them in the tank . Dwarf catfish can not practically jump out of the tank ,, also i have my tank covered .. that suggests the fish has died for quite a time in the tank without being noticed by me . and the fish has totally decomposed under the drift wood ,, coz today i made a thorough cleaning , by removing all the decorations and stuff , and i saw some mud sort of thing settled inside the drift wood , soo could it be making all the trouble for the fish?????? ,, if YES what could be the disease , any parasite attack , or just raise in ammonia??????????????????
secondly , i have not much oxygen in the tank ,, i mean it is enough for the discus i guess , but it doesnt make the water move a lot , coz its from the flow of water from outside the tank into the tank. soo , less water movement in the tank , could it raise the bacterial or parasite attacks
that's it !!!!!!!!!
one more thing , one of my fish just died , i feel sorry that i couldnt be of much help to her
Tue Oct 05, 2004, 06:13 AM
And now i have noticed after few hours that a white patch , around halft an inch has developed on her body. Temperature maintained at 30c , should i raise it???
Its called PH BURN.
And dont play with the temperature mate, cooking the fish dosent do much for it.
It will heal over time.
Tue Oct 05, 2004, 06:31 AM
Perhaps I should explain further
if the ph drops too low they will get acidosis and develop cloudy eyes and patches on the body - you got to bring the ph up slowly over time and leave them alone- in the right ph the burn clears up on its own.
Summaries for you
* do massive water changes using fresh water
* ensure your new water is at the correct temperature
Use KH powder to stabilize your ph
Daily check your PH
Thu Oct 07, 2004, 08:35 PM
hullo , sorry for a late reply ,, i was kinda busy with some business stuff at my father's company ,, anyway , fish are fine now , what i have experienced is that , dont panic ,, stick to the basics ,: water changes , PH and stuff like that ,, and your fish would be fine ..
i have added a couple more in my tank ,, ill post the pictures ,, soo far they are not going for food , but they are active and moving around ,, ill post some pics
Fri Oct 08, 2004, 12:48 AM
Good too hear mate...
Fri Oct 08, 2004, 10:24 PM
your right don't panic
good stuff ashan
glad to hear alls well :wink:
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