View Full Version : Fry attaching to parents.
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 01:26 AM
Well i must say this must be one of the most frustrating things about breeding discus.
Ive started this post for some ideas on how to help the little tuckers find home.
* Lower the water level as far as possible.
* Remove anything you can from the tank. (The swimmer i have at the moment keep attaching to plant leaves.
* Reduce the light or half the light in the tank.
Any other that might help just add them on. Ive just had a whole batch of fry died because they couldnt attach to the parents.
Chris McMahon
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 03:53 AM
* Lower the water level as far as possible.
* Remove anything you can from the tank. (The swimmer i have at the moment keep attaching to plant leaves.
* Reduce the light or half the light in the tank.
I've also read to remove anything black. Are the parents a light color? I've read they fry are attracted to dark colors.
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 07:42 AM
agreed, thats why black backgrounds are not as good as light coloured ones
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 08:48 AM
anything dark coloured and anything that vibrates in the water (like filters) will attract the fry. To be sure, remove all plants and decorations and have a completely bare glass tank. Filter intakes should be covered with white filter wool to discourage fry. If the parents have not mouthed the eggs and fry, the babies have a hard time realising they should attach to the parents. The best parents are those which spend time mouthing the fry and spitting them back into the bunch, before free swimming. It tends to be a learned experience,and parents usually get it right sooner or later. I have stopped using sponge filters in breeding tanks because they tend to darken with use, and so attract fry.
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 02:20 PM
Well this is the yellow PB pair and its only like 3 fry that made it. The thing is the spawned on the plant pot so i cant take it out yet. Although they arnt totally free swimming yet but as soon as the get off the pot its gone. Ive darkened there side of the tank and turned down the sponge filter. I was also told too wrap the sponge filter in white nylon which i have done.
Well guess its the waiting game now, i hopefully i can get this breeding rack up soon so they can have there own 29 because now they are in a sectioned off 4fter.
Ahh well all in time.
Tue Aug 31, 2004, 04:57 PM
If they are not all free swimming yet, there is still hope of the others attaching. I have seen them bounce around the bottom of the tank for 48 hours before attaching to the sides of the parents. So -- fingers crossed.
Wed Sep 01, 2004, 01:34 AM
Eaten, ill take out the pot now, have a better chance without it.
Wed Sep 01, 2004, 06:04 AM
Bad luck Flukes. But look, you have discovered a lot about your pair. First they are a true pair. Second the male is fertile, and third they can hatch their eggs into wrigglers. Thats a lot further advanced then you were 2 weeks ago. Give them some time. They will get it right.
Wed Sep 01, 2004, 01:22 PM
Yeah iam going to have to get them there own 29'gal because even if the fry do become freeswimming i sectioned the tank off with wgg crate so they can still swim through it. ah well plenty of practice for them in the mean time.
Thu Sep 09, 2004, 02:52 AM
Well without use profanity, I am a little ticked off.. :twisted:
I had some wrigglers, it was day 2 and i thought i better go to spotlight to get some white nylon to cover up the sponge. So off i went happy as larry.....
1/2 later i peer into the tank to get the sponge filter, and i have 150wrigglers on the sponge filter. :cry:
Iam not really going too bother with this batch as i have too stock the tank while iam doing some changes with other tanks so i need the space.
I ve been playing with the lights but doesnt seem like they are that worried where it is.
Ah well live and learn....
Thu Sep 09, 2004, 02:57 AM
ahhh well hows that i flicked the light on once or twice and the scrabbled too the parent, about 1/2 f the fry are attached now.
Thu Sep 09, 2004, 03:00 AM
Well Scott, u chose one of the harder strains to breed.... pigeon bloods. :x
Thu Sep 09, 2004, 06:05 AM
Scott - thats why I no longer use sponge filters. Just some white filter wadding to cover the filter intake.
Thu Sep 09, 2004, 01:56 PM
Ahhh Kev this isnt the pigeon fact you should know these fish very well!! Its the Red SSS and the blue diamond.
Well i got new fish today and broke the golden rule. I didnt have a QT tank.. :shock: :evil: :cry:
eheh well anyway i put them in a divided tank with the pair with the fry, anyway i turned the lights off too put them in, in the mean time the fry has swam through my egg crate into the new fish's side.
Well lets just say it didnt take long too find there apitite :shock:
Ahhh well at least i know they can get the fry on their backs, ill have a 2fter for them soon. Still have about 10-20 fry on them but i dont think it will last with hungry mouths just on the other side of the egg crate.
I think its time i hurried up and built that breeding rack.!!
Fri Sep 10, 2004, 09:10 AM
Its finally great news to hear that the crystals are producing for you Scott.
Did you ever doubt me???? hehe
Ive actually removed all my plants and will cover the black inlet valve with white dacron similar to lady reds setup.
I will also lower the water level AND ...
use smaller breeding cones!!!!!!! i want them laying not so hi up! too much effort in picking up fallen wrigglers and eggs.
I believe this will make a diffrence especially in such a large tank
ps. you get that decent camera yet scott??
Fri Sep 10, 2004, 12:13 PM
yellows fry didnt attach this is the SSS x bd pair.
Gotta set this breeding rack up as i have 3 pairs in the one tank atm.
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