Bad Inferno
Fri Sep 29, 2006, 11:15 AM
I have been away for a couple fo days and come back to find 2 of my 6 discus having a white area on their eyes. I can see they have been fighting as well however for two discus to have this eye problem I know I've got a problem. The only thing that has changed in the last 2 weeks is that I had to turn off CO2 injection, whilst I replaced my ph probe. the ph is running around 7.1 and it had been controlled to 6.7. Ammonia,nitrite both zero temp 30 degrees Nitrate ~10.
The other eye on this discus is twice the size as the PIC shows above
I have some waterlife Myxazin which is for bacteria infection. should I use this.
The other eye on this discus is twice the size as the PIC shows above
I have some waterlife Myxazin which is for bacteria infection. should I use this.