Tue Sep 26, 2006, 11:06 PM
If you have a planted aquarium and want to grow nice plants, do yourself a favor and stay away from this product. First of all I spent $139.00 on one of these units thinking WOW!! How simple is this, Just plug it in and you have instant Co2 made from the electronic controller and the carbon block.
Well it worked fine for about 6months and I had it on a timer with the lights. First the Carbon Block didn't last but 3 months, then the so called sandwich went bad so I replaced both at an additional $45.00.
Now I have used this 4 yr warranted system for 1 yr and a half with down time because of these problems and now the controller is bad. It won't work at all. I have left messages with customer service and they simply do not reply.
I am now purchasing a real co2 system with the PH control, valve and diffuser for $218.00 because it does make a huge difference in plant growth. I did say the Carbo Plus worked, but at what cost? And trouble!
I also noticed the carbon was leaching into the tank and that is not acceptable at all for Discus.
So I end this with saying please learn from my mistake and stay far away from this piece of so called HI TECH JUNK.
Well it worked fine for about 6months and I had it on a timer with the lights. First the Carbon Block didn't last but 3 months, then the so called sandwich went bad so I replaced both at an additional $45.00.
Now I have used this 4 yr warranted system for 1 yr and a half with down time because of these problems and now the controller is bad. It won't work at all. I have left messages with customer service and they simply do not reply.
I am now purchasing a real co2 system with the PH control, valve and diffuser for $218.00 because it does make a huge difference in plant growth. I did say the Carbo Plus worked, but at what cost? And trouble!
I also noticed the carbon was leaching into the tank and that is not acceptable at all for Discus.
So I end this with saying please learn from my mistake and stay far away from this piece of so called HI TECH JUNK.