View Full Version : general Q.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 06:10 AM
I have a total of 12 wild discus arriving in 12 weeks, 4 of each strain. I want to get a breeding pair out of each strain and if I am really luck 2. But what would be the best size tank to house a wild breeding pair? the tanks going to be fully planted to mimic their natural habitat and a internal filter which will give a little bit of current, but as discus do not like this I should be all good. Is their anything I need to look for/worry about in wild discus? They will be about 5 cm max each so all 12 are going into a 300 liter holding tank until I can provide individual tanks for them in my fish room. But what would be the best size tank for them? 100 liters? Should I go RO water? what does RO filtration provide? I know it removes chlorine and heavy metals but anything else? Do bright lights 'scare' discus? I am looking at having 250 watt lighting system for the plats but wont if the discus will spas out. Should I go for height instead of length? Last Q. LOL can I keep fancy plecos with them? I love plecos as well? but I do not want them to suck on the discus nor eat their eggs.
WOW I reread this and it was such a bad first post!
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 06:32 AM
Also can someone please give me a link to all the wild strains of discus you can get.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 06:39 AM
Dont use that colour, its very hard to read.
Wild discus are harder to keep.
For breeding tank normally would be a 2ft tank.
In the long run, dont keep anything else in the breeding tank other than the pair.
Good luck.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 07:06 AM
sorry I wont, ok sweet, I was looking at corys for I want sand and I want to keep the sand bed moving so I do not get a build up. If anyone has a link to WILD discus strains I would appreciate it.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 05:43 PM
First of all, congrats on your purchase of Wild Discus. You know, I like Wild Discus more than Domestics. I kept some Wilds a couple of years ago. One thing I noticed is that they're totally different compared to domestics in terms of appetite, character and health............
I quarantined mine for almost a month. Dewormed and everything that needs to be done. Monitored them closely. Finally, put them in the comm. tank after 4 months. At first, they seemed to blend in nicely. After about 2 months, things started to change. A few of them stopped eating and hiding in a corner. Took them out and treated them. I just thought that they can't mix with my domestics yet. So I set up another tank and housed all of em in that tank. And everything worked just fine. They don't like regular WC like domestics do.
Too bad I had to trim down on my collection cos I took part-time studies. I sold off all my Wilds and trimmed down half of my domestics.
Below are some links that you can visit:
Hope that helps.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 06:30 PM
One more link to add:
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 06:52 PM
Thanks, I do not like the thought of inbreed fish so that is why I go wild and try to keep the bloods true and clean... I hate keeping my BN knowing that it has most likely been inbreed around 2-5 times. I have never kept WC discus so that is why I am getting good equipment to help me out, and a few 10 gal quarantine tanks if needed. if I am adding 12 to a 300 liter planted specie tank do I need to quarantine them? The only thing that will be in the tank with them is a large red spot pleco to keep the gravel bed clean.
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 09:04 PM
If your adding them to a tank with no other fish except for a pleco then you don't have to quarantine them .. :D
My major concern is your placing 12 adult discus into a 300L tank ... Which off the top of my head a 75G tank ... :?:
Domestic strains need 10G per adult discus or there abouts, and the fish you have are wilds and they are only going to have 5 or 6 gallons once you take into account the plants, driftwood etc that you have in the tank ... :)
I think you need a bigger tank dude ... :wink:
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 09:50 PM
I have upped it to 5 different strains, so 20 in total (4 of each) I am also getting 3 WC altum angels as well, I am trying to get them at 3'' each but if I can not get them that small ill go get 5 tanks 60x60x60. And ill give its own strain its own tank. I think that’s around 55 gals but not to shore. But I am pushing it for I have to get the tanks up and cycled, and tanks are very expensive here so does anyone know how to build your own one? Also what is a good turn over rate for a breeding group of WC discus?
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