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View Full Version : Moonlight for Apisto tanks

Mon Sep 18, 2006, 04:45 AM

Someone mentioned in this forum that leaving some light on during/after spawning will allow dwarf cichlids to defend their eggs/fry from hungry tankmates like corys, etc.

I am thinking of making my own moonlight for the tank. Apart from looking nice (from the human owner's perspective), would a moonlight help with the above objective?

I'm thinking of doing this using blue cold cathodes available in ebay for about $20 for a pair of 30cm tubes, based on some diy instructions from http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/diy_moonlight.php

Provided it is not too bright, will leaving this on all night stress the fish, will they not mind, or will they actually enjoy this rather than total darkness?

Mon Sep 18, 2006, 09:48 AM
when my apistos have fry I usuall leave the light on 24/7. no problems with that. I used to go the extra length and put something on top of the tank so the light wasn't so bright, but the fish seem to go ok with the light on all the time. and a lot less fry loss. but I think for power conservation you cant beat diode strips. I'm gonna look into those myself.

Mon Sep 18, 2006, 06:27 PM
personally i have never left a light on at night
i dont know why one would

prehaps if there are predatory fish in the tank it is neccesary though if serious about trying to breed then better just to have a dedicated breeding tank rather than night light.. just my 2 pence
