View Full Version : would I be okay with discus?
Sat Sep 16, 2006, 04:48 AM
new to the forum. :)
I have been keeping aquariums for at least four years now, so not new to fish keeping, I currently have an 85 gallon / 320 litre marine reef, which was previously freshwater, I have also had a 30 gallon reef and a 15 gallon freshwater tank, I have now got a 45 gallon tank (which I got for free) and was wondering how challenging discus are to keep? and would this tank be suitable for discus'?
If so I have a few questions;
- how many 3-4" discus could be kept healthily in a tank of this size, allowing space for them to grow?
- what decorations are nescessary?
- are live plants nescessary?
- would my RO unit produce suitable water for discus? or should I use dechlorinated tap water?
- I have 2 canister filters which I could use (they were used on my 85 before it became marine) would these provide suitable filtration and what media is recommended?
any help would be appriciated, thanks.
Sun Sep 17, 2006, 09:47 PM
- how many 3-4" discus could be kept healthily in a tank of this size, allowing space for them to grow?
4-5 discus would be a nice number in that size tank .... :wink: The usual rule is 1 Adult discus per 10G of water ...
- what decorations are nescessary?
None really .. For a breeding tank all that is needed in there is a spawning cone or slate ... :P .. In a display tank you could use driftwood, plants, and a few well chosen rocks to create a natural looking biotope ..
- are live plants nescessary?
No its a personal choice ... which ever floats ya boat!
- would my RO unit produce suitable water for discus? or should I use dechlorinated tap water?
Again its a personal choice ... A RO unit is not necessary to keep discus happy, but if you have one then i would use it! ... 8-)
- I have 2 canister filters which I could use (they were used on my 85 before it became marine) would these provide suitable filtration and what media is recommended?
Discus do not appreciate a fast water flow ... This filtration will be OK as long as you make sure they are facing different ways so there will be no hugh water current in the tank ...
Tue Sep 19, 2006, 04:07 PM
to add to the already awesome reply. The Discus will not stay 3-4", you'll end up keeping 6-8" Discus if they're not stunted and if they're happy enough to grow for you.
Wed Sep 20, 2006, 02:09 AM
to add to the already awesome reply. The Discus will not stay 3-4", you'll end up keeping 6-8" Discus if they're not stunted and if they're happy enough to grow for you.
I only mention 3-4" discus because they are fairly expensive fish, and as I have never owned any before I don't really want to chance putting an expensive 6" discus in there at first. I cannot see any reason why they won't be happy or become stunted, but I do understand where you're coming from, and I do know fish grow, having owned a fair few over the last few years :) [/quote]
Wed Sep 20, 2006, 08:18 AM
Welcome to the forum Fishkeeper.
I see the guys have already give you some very good information.
If you've had a marine tank before, you'll find discus relatively simple to keep.
Main difference between discus and most other fish is the frequent water changes. Thirty percent about twice a week is minimum. Other than that, they are not really terribly difficult.
Give them what they want, clean water, good high protein food, and warmth, and they will reward you with their good health and vibrant colours for ten years or more.
Thu Sep 21, 2006, 02:43 AM
If you've had a marine tank before, you'll find discus relatively simple to keep.
I actually find marine fish very simple to keep, so hopefully discus shouldn't cause any problems.
would my two canister filters be sufficient for keeping discus in a tank this size?
I've been looking around the 'net, and i've read that a combination of 75% RO water should be used with 25% tap water, is this true, because 100% RO water sounds much cleaner to me?
Sun Sep 24, 2006, 05:14 AM
If you're going to keep them in the 45 gallon tank, then one canister filter should be sufficient. If they are small canisters, then by all means use the two, but just remember that discus don't like a lot of current in the water, so you'll need to use spraybars to cut down the current.
You're right about RO water. It's very clean. Too clean in fact. The reason folk use tap water with their RO water is to add back some of the calcium and minerals. RO water has had everything stripped from it, almost like distilled water, so you need to add back essential minerals, either by mixing with tap water, or adding RO Salts.
Your aquarium shop can advise you what to use for the water in your locality.
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