View Full Version : Help with corydora, please...
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 08:58 AM
A couple of months ago I added 6 corydoras to my tank and they all died within a month. When I asked my LFS where I bought them from they blamed the very high external temperatues for their demise. All my water parameters have been steady and well within what I have read on here for discus, all the other fish are doing fine with good colour and growth etc.
So could the external temperature be responsible for their deaths or is there something else I should be loking for before I try them again?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as like most I don't like loosing fish... :cry:
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 09:09 AM
When I asked my LFS where I bought them from they blamed the very high external temperatues for their demise.
In Sussex ?? how high did it go ?? 25 ??? Did you ever drop kick a rugby ball in school ?? Thats what you need to do to the person who told you that. Preferably in the rear.
Maybe its your water parameters, if not try getting stock from elsewhere. Some place where the bullsh1t doesn't get as high as the temperature.
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 09:18 AM
Believe it or not we did have a heat wave with unusual temperatures of the mid to high 30's. Strange for England I know!!
So would temps this high be responsible or is it bullsh1t as you say samir?
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 10:06 AM
Sounds like bull to me ?..........I have Corys in many of my breeding tanks and they survive water temps of over 30 oC easily, so I dont think the temp mis the problem....cant really help in diagnosis further, sorry.
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 10:48 AM
Thanks Phil,
I did suspect as much but did want to believe them as they (LFS) have normally been pretty good with stock and other advice.
I think I shall try again with sme corys from a different LFS this time.
Any suggestions on which corys to go for?
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 11:28 AM
I agree higher temps wldn't be the cause for the deaths, all my corys thrive in the heat and daytime temps here in the tropics are mid 30C. Night time around 25C. May have been a weaker strain , any medication used in the tanks? Definitely try another LFS.
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 11:41 AM
No medications, frequent water changes (approx 100litres 3-4 a week as my kitchen floor would confess the amount of times the water barrels have spilled when filling up from my RO unit, I keep forgetting that it is on and...oops!).
Guess I may have been unlucky about the corys(and miss-led by the LFS isn't that so infuriating!!).
I asume that corys do not need special food as I thought that they would eat left overs that the discus and others would miss?
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 12:09 PM
Corys are as tuff as nails! I have them sharing a tank with Discus angels, geo orange caps , rummy noes tetras and peppermint cats!
sounds like an issue with that LFS supply of corys.
You would think that if the issue was water or temps that you would lose more than just one strain of fish?
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 12:34 PM
Again thanks for the help and advice...
I will try and get some more when my wife lets me have some more pocket money to spend on my fish...the joys of being a kept slave!!!(I mean house husband)
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