View Full Version : Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigeria Red
Wed Sep 13, 2006, 02:01 AM
I have a single male Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigeria Red. I don't want to breed this fish, as he is destined for a peaceful planted community tank, but I would like to see him displaying better colours than he does now. I looked up this site, which describes the fish as having a peaceful conspecific temperament (describes personality of cichlid toward other tank- mates of the same species).
Do you think this is true? Would 2 males, initially in a 20G planted tank, with visual barriers, work. Or would they tear each other apart, even though being described as conspecific peaceful?
Advice appreciated.
Wed Sep 13, 2006, 02:35 PM
if they're anything like kribs in temperament they should be fine ... I've kept 2 pulcher together without females and they didn't tear each other to shreds.
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the response wickedglass
Well, it didn't work out too well. I think because the original male had a week to make himself feel king of the tank (only having to share with 2 otos). He decided he didn't want to share at all & they only remained together for a few mintues. He was even attacking the plastic bag during acclimitisation, but started in earnest once I released the "intruder" into his domain. It may have worked out ok, if I had added both males at the same time. Guess I'll never know know.
The 2nd male is now in my community tank. He immediately coloured up well & both he & the other inhabitants seem happy.
Thanks for
Thu Nov 09, 2006, 12:12 PM
Thought I'd share a shot of my Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigeria Red. I like him so much, I wouldn't mind finding him a wife one day. I'd like to see how he looks when he's showing off to a lady. He is the prettier of my two males (they are in different tanks).
Thu Nov 09, 2006, 12:26 PM
they're a georgeous, beautiful fish ... Heinz had/has these, I was sooo tempted!
Thu Nov 09, 2006, 10:51 PM
Thanks wickedglass, he is gorgeous. He is very peaceful too. Funny thing is a month or so after I got him, the same LFS had a pair for sale, but they were so much plainer than the ones I have. Both my males have nice red colouration on their chins and spotting on their tails, but this one's spotting is the prettier. My other male has a wife, but he doesn't seem to like her much, which is a shame.
BTW, is Heinz a LFS & if so, in Melbourne?
Thu Nov 09, 2006, 11:48 PM
Heinz is the grand poo bahh of cichlids in melbourne - he set up one of the first LFS down here & has been in the game for of the best sources of dwarf cichlids down here. he is retiring & has sold his business but continues to work there a coupla days a week providing advice for the guy who bought the shop......
Thu Nov 09, 2006, 11:49 PM
BTW - awesome fish - very pretty indeed - or is it macho given he is a male........... :lol:
Mon Nov 13, 2006, 10:38 PM
Thanks oskastolz
Tue Nov 14, 2006, 11:22 PM
I can't believe you don't want to breed those guys TW. I'd grab a female and let them go at it!
Those guys probably aren't as common as a kribensis but they are definitely worth trying to get them to breed
Wed Nov 15, 2006, 12:43 AM
Hey Robdog, thanks for the reply. That changed a while back. Refer my post of Fri Nov 10, 2006. This guy's in the community tank, & he's so peaceful, if I find a 2nd female, I might risk adding her in there with him. I have another male in a dedicated tank & I have given him a female. She has been there for maybe 2-3 months & all he does is chase her away. She shimmes & shakes & curves her body in front of him (when she's feeling brave) but he just chases her away. :x
They weren't bought as a pair & not even from same LFS. I hope they are a match. She looks completely different, but I looked her up on google & I think she is a nigerian red female. LFS is positive that's what she is - so I hope the problem isn't that the male knows she's the wrong fish.
If by end of Jan 07 there is no action in the dedicated tank, I might swap the males over & see if the other is more interested in breeding. Reluctant to do this now for 2 reasons:-
1. The female had previously been sick & I thought she would die. Spent 2 weeks gasping at the bottom & not eating & every day I expected to find her dead. Was treating the tank, but I have never before been able to save a sick cichlid with internal parasites. She seems to have made a full recovery, but in case of something still lurking within her, I don't want to expose my other male to her until I'm sure there'll be no relapse. I figure by Jan 07 if she's had no relapse, then all should be right.
2. This male is more aggressive & I hate to put an aggressor in the community tank.
But they are so pretty, that I would love to breed them.
BTW, I have about 30 or so 3 week old krib fry at the moment in another tank. Not as exciting as apisto fry, but I thought since I had back luck with my bita & cac, I'd try something more common. If I get it right, then next time I can expand to apistos. I hope first though, to have some little nigerian's swimming around too. :wink:
Wed Nov 15, 2006, 12:52 AM
Sorry about that. I did read that post the other day.
Sounds like you've got it all planned out pretty well. I guess you can only try the partner swap and keep a close eye on the aggressive male in case he goes crazy. Good luck and keep us posted
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