View Full Version : Discus in a garage.
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 05:21 AM
I'm wanting to set up a few tanks in my garage.
I have one concering question can cars be started in a garage with fish tanks in there as well??
:shock: :shock:
My car is Car "A" so when my car is parked in the garage it will have like a 50cm gap between the both not a problem really just want your oppions if the fumes from a car running on "gas" which is less toxic would kill the fish or not?
Cheers Oppions needed hehe :wink: :wink:
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:36 AM
I was thinking of doing the same, but my concern is the room temperature.
During summer wont it be too HOT ?
In winter a good heater will do the job.
As of your problem, I guess if you park your car facing the tank then its okay. So when you start your car, the fumes will be away from them and at the same time maybe you can open the garage so that it go out.
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:45 AM
Yeah that's right DR.V i'll have the door oppened and yes it does get fairly hot in summer but that's why i'm keeping discus in there lol..
I'll end up most likely buying those wirely birds that suck the hot air out as it rises..
Or i might buy one of those 1M round fans those huge ones hehe :P
Thanks again for ya help...
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:49 AM
I'll end up most likely buying those wirely birds that suck the hot air out as it rises..
Ow I have that above the house, but not the garage :evil:
Discus 41
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 07:02 AM
Hey guys my first concern would be the fumes from the cars and no amount of ducting/exhaust fans would remove this from the garage,I think that my fish would come first and take no chances with contaminating the air supply to your tanks,the buggers cost to much for mistakes.
That only my opinion
cheers Ian
Discus 41
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 07:03 AM
Hey guys my first concern would be the fumes from the cars and no amount of ducting/exhaust fans would remove this from the garage,I think that my fish would come first and take no chances with contaminating the air supply to your tanks,the buggers cost to much for mistakes.
That only my opinion
cheers Ian
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 07:18 AM
I have tanks in my garage and my ute is on gas and it does not harm them at all, although don't leave the car running for too long or you might be in some strife yourself.
Norto. :)
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:45 AM
I have tanks in my garage and my ute is on gas and it does not harm them at all, although don't leave the car running for too long or you might be in some strife yourself.
Norto. :)
Cheers mate you wouldn't have a pic of ur setup as i want to try look at as many as possible hehe 8-) 8-) 8-) :lol: :lol:
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:47 AM
Hey guys my first concern would be the fumes from the cars and no amount of ducting/exhaust fans would remove this from the garage,I think that my fish would come first and take no chances with contaminating the air supply to your tanks,the buggers cost to much for mistakes.
That only my opinion
cheers Ian
Well hopefully it doesn't contaminate the water i'll wait for some more answers and if anyone does have any set ups at all could you maybe just post a pic as it would be a great help.
Thanks alsot for ur help!
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 10:24 AM
Hmm yes it is very risky ..
I have heard of breeders that do it and have no problems at all..
I have never tried it personally so i couldnt let you know from personal experiance..
A few pointers that will help you GREATLY are:
Do NOT have a hang on filter on any of the tanks! The fumes in the air will contaminate the water when its returning into the tank
Try not to keep tanks in rows all the way to the ceiling .. Im not sure on this but i think the fumes would rise? :? Even if they don't, still try to avoid this as heat does rise ... :)
Try to have lids covering every tank and especially the water change barrel and sump .. :wink:
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 10:47 AM
Shouldnt be a problem Mulisha, you have to remember when your starting your car and stopping your car the garage door wld be open, so this wld be ventilating the room. If the car is a diesal you may have some concerns as they tend to blow a bit of smoke when they start up. If you have a pump running all your tanks u cld run it away from the exhaust area. I wouldn't worry about any heat issues as the water in my tanks in summer reach about 36 C and the fish tend to thrive in it. Everyone has stated very good valid pointers to help out so overall this shld help u.
hope this helps
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 11:08 AM
Thanks guys for ya help.
My car is a petrol and i'll be using canister filters and sponge filters so no problems there. I'll be having a 200L aging drum that i'll most likey be sealed.
If anyone has any set ups of tank stands or racks or maybe water aging set ups could you please post some pics becuase it would be great to see how everyone sets there tanks up.. 8-)
Thanks again for ya help.
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 12:13 PM
Rick, when are you planning to do this ?
Maybe you can go first and let me know how it goes ?
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 01:25 PM
I was thinking about the same thing, adding some fishtanks in my garage. One problem I have is the noise for the door opener. It is kind of loud. I wonder if that will spook the fish each time I open the door.
I park my car outside and use the garage as a storage room so I should not have any problem with the fumes. The other concern is in the winter, we have temp into 20s F, about few Cs below freezen point. I don't think the garage will ever gets to freezen point because it is connected to the house. Still, I'm kind of worried about the winter time.
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:24 PM
DR.V Well i started cleaning my garage a bit yesterday and it will be like 2 weeks maybe a little longer before i have everything set up becuase i wanted to put some ply wood along the walls etc.
When are you looking at doing this DR.V? Wouldn't mind seeing some of your set ups hehe... :lol:
Fishlover i think for winter my tanks are going to have a overkill heater in them and also have so foam around the outside of the tank for insulation etc
I can't wait to start doing this becuase it will make it alot easier then trying to run hoses through a house etc this way i can have a 200L aging tank above the breeding tanks and gravity feed water into them etc.. :D
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 11:35 PM
My major concern is vibrations.
This could scare the fish and may put them off breeding..
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 05:01 AM
When are you looking at doing this DR.V? Wouldn't mind seeing some of your set ups hehe... :lol:
Planning to do this early december.
Looking for cheap 4ft tank atm hehe...
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 06:01 AM
My major concern is vibrations.
This could scare the fish and may put them off breeding..
Hmm very true but wouldn't that foam you put under the tanks absorb alot of it maybe?
I'm not complety sure just thought that would have taken care of that factor... :oops:
I have a question...
I have 1 breeding pair of discus how many growout tanks would be needed?
Would two 3'x18"x16" be good to start with :?:
Or would one 4'x18"x18" be better :?:
I have no idea i want to breed fish but i don't want to go overboard and have heaps of tanks if you get me.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm just trying to get rid discus fever and not keep putting up more tanks so setting up say 4 should do me as well my planted tank in my room HEHE 8-)
Thanks guys for all your help..
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 07:59 AM
Insulate all the tanks top, sides and bottom and front at night.
Works for me Revkev
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 08:39 AM
Thanks Rev Kev i'll be insulating them well for winter time and i have a large fan for summer time as well..
I just need to work out how many tanks i need etc hehe :lol:
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 09:04 AM
Heya Kev,
Nice LX Torry mate :shock: :thumb: I'm still cursing the day i sold mine :(
Sorry for being off topic and time wasting, but when ya see a beast like that ... cant help myself ! :oops:
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 09:14 AM
Sorry for being off topic and time wasting, but when ya see a beast like that ... cant help myself !
wait till you see my Beast Dee!! :shock:
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 09:29 AM
Sorry for being off topic and time wasting, but when ya see a beast like that ... cant help myself !
wait till you see my Beast Dee!! :shock:
Is it a Volvo :lol: :lol:
Tue Sep 12, 2006, 09:34 AM
Sorry for being off topic and time wasting, but when ya see a beast like that ... cant help myself !
wait till you see my Beast Dee!! :shock:
*Dee's avatar*
mistakes r crucial
Wed Sep 13, 2006, 08:13 AM
Mmmm, my dream.... Holden Senator, skirts, turbo'd, super charged, black with gold metalic fleck, 9 second 1/4 mile, come up for a party next year, you can help me build it!
Wed Sep 13, 2006, 09:09 AM
Mmmm, my dream.... Holden Senator, skirts, turbo'd, super charged, black with gold metalic fleck, 9 second 1/4 mile, come up for a party next year, you can help me build it!
You build it I steal it :wink: LMAO!! :wink:
Wed Sep 13, 2006, 10:16 PM
I have'nt got a pic yet (too busy) but with regards to insulating and vibration the tanks in my garage are not insulated they just sit on the foam on a stand and it gets well below freezing in the winter and my pair have spawned 3 times with absolutley no problems the thing is your heater is thermostatically controlled so when the temp drops the heater turns on, if you don't insulate then your heater will turn on alot more meaning your electricity bill will be higher in the winter but hey its only money and you can't take it with you. The vibration does not seem to be a problem either my garage doubles as a workshop with plenty of power tools and still no worries ( my pair might be just very tolerent). HTH.
Norto. :)
Thu Sep 14, 2006, 08:59 AM
Cheers Norto !! 8-)
shawn barker
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 03:11 PM
Hope you stop your car better than my wife, or else you will be washing the bonnet with your fish water :lol:
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 09:50 PM
I tried the garage fish thing but wasnt happy with it.
1. Temp issue! heaters always working
2. not enough lights to make it a nice bright fish room, shadey spots sucked
3. going to the garage wasnt great as opposed to having the tanks in my office making them easily viewable.
4. Car head lights are a big NO NO
5. no issue with vibration or car movement, they didnt care. ( garage houses a 4.5 litre V8, and another car.
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 11:25 PM
Thanks Nick the fish that i'm going to put out there will be mainly fish that i'll be growing up.
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