View Full Version : My first discus... ID please?

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 12:08 AM
Here he is! Saved him from my LFS that I work at. Doesn't get the changes/soft water that they need there!
With Flash

Without flash

Thanks for looking, and hopefully I get a correct ID on him! I don't think it is a "Red Scribble Discus" b/c that's what was marked!! Thanks in advance!

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:26 AM
Nice little fish. A variety of snakeskin (with all those bars). Hard to tell what colour he will be. I find that snakeskins are slow to develop colouring, more so than the normal 9 bar discus.

I think you may have a nice little blue snakeskin there. Love to see some photos as he grows. :P

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 08:43 AM
With snakeskin discus, its very hard to tell the different strains as they can all be very similar ..

There is also the dilema of different farms naming the same strains different names so they can sell better .... :P

I wouldn't come to any conclusions yet on what type it is ... keep it in the best conditions you can, and watch its beautiful colours develop ... :wink:

Mon Sep 11, 2006, 12:03 PM
Thanks guys! I named him "Who Dey" b/c I live in Cicninnati, and right now he looks like he has Bengal Stripes!! I'll definately watch him as he grows up and get some growth pictures.