View Full Version : A big heya from a Discus newbie!

Mr Discus
Mon Sep 04, 2006, 12:53 AM
Hi everybody,

My name is Josh - just joined on here about a week or 2 ago, and I must say I am very impressed with the forums here, as well as the large Australian Discus community that I never knew existed!

I am 23 and live in Brisbane, and have been in the aquarium hobby full on for about 12 years now. Going through the typical cycle, goldfish (as a kid!), assorted tropicals, heavily into African Cichlids for at least 5 years, then had a stint in keeping Marines for about 4 years.

I have since sold my last marine setup about a year ago, due to being a bit sick of the hobby to be honest, and getting annoyed at the demands that the marine aquarium hobby can bring (especially on the smaller sized setups).

I have since moved house and have alot more room at the new place, and got itchy feet for an aquarium setup again!

Being sick of marines, I thought I would go back to the (semi) basics of freshwater tropicals. And wanting to try something challenging, beautiful and relatively simple for those with experience to keep, I thought I would give discus a try.

The king of aquariums will soon reside with me, I am looking around at the moment for an appropriate tank, then I will set it all up and hopefully become a regular contributor to this fantastic website.

Hope to post up pics of my fresh setup once I pull my finger out! :lol:

HAN 'd' Aquariums
Thu Sep 07, 2006, 12:27 PM
Welcome to the forum Josh and welcome back to the hobby.

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 09:09 AM
Hello there Josh and welcome to the Discus community, you will definitely have a good time in here.

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 09:13 AM
Welcome mate! :P

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 09:23 AM
Welcome mate hope you enjoy urself here 8-)

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 01:14 PM
welcome to the forum, you wont find any more experienced, friendly and helpful discus keepers then you will here!

hope you enjoy your time here!!

Mr Discus
Mon Sep 11, 2006, 06:45 AM
Thanks guys, I have been scouting around for a couple of weeks at aquarium shops to see what types of Discus they are getting in and prices etc.

I am heavily involved in modifying cars though and am at the end of building a new engine for my car, so the setup will have to wait a few weeks/months.

None the less I am going to do it! :lol: