View Full Version : Fish Rock Aquariums OUR BABIES ARE READY! BNOSE CAVES ALSO

Fish Rock Aquariums
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 01:09 PM
Ok Guys and Girls,

for those of you who have visited the shop you would have noticed the babies which were spawned and raised in the shop, these are now ready for sale! about the size of a 20c coin, feeding on beefheart mix, ground colourbits, blackworms.

the catch? they are cheap, young quality discus, from BIG bloodlines!

attached is a photo, not of their parents but of fish from the same batch, parents were easily 17cm fish!

$15ea or 10 for $100

theres probably about 110 to choose from!

also heaps of bristlenose caves that range in price from $5.50 to $9.50

if your visting on a weekday ask for Eric and he will look after you.


Fish Rock Aquariums
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 01:14 PM
Bristlenose breeding caves, also good refuges for fish that are shy and like to hide.

Mon Sep 04, 2006, 10:05 AM
Hello, I am interested in buying some of the baby discus. I am planning to put them in my first discus tank and I just have a few questions that I would really appreciate if anyone could answer for me. TIA

My tank has been running for 30 days now, and has been cycling with 20 neons, 5 corys and artificial bacteria, "Cycle". My tank volume is 189L, the dimensions of the tank are 120cm x 45 cm x 35cm, surface area = The water paramaters are:
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = no test kit (fairly sure its under control)
ph = 6.8
dh = 4.

I water change 30% every week (max I can do). My questions are as follows...

1) Would it be possible to add 4 of these baby discus to my tank, or would they not survive because the tank is still relatively new and I dont water change enough?

2) How old are the fish, and what colour strain/variety are they?

3) Am I sticking to the correct stocking limits for discus (40L per adult fish) by getting 4 babies and growing them up, where they will need 160L, and then I have the other 29L for my other fish.

4) What foods do you recommend to feed these guys, other than what is already being fed?

5) Is there anything else I should know, and am I doing something terribly wrong?

Thanks a lot, sorry about the pretty stupid questions :)

Fish Rock Aquariums
Mon Sep 04, 2006, 10:30 AM
Hi Matt,

water conditions and tank mates sound fine. i see a stocking rate of 4-6 no problems at all in a 4ft tank. the tank should be cycled already if it's been running for 30days already and with fish.

The fish are about 6-7weeks old if i remember correctly, and are goldens. the adult fish pictured above is identical to the parents.

they are getting quite a varied diet already.

constant waterchanges encourage growth, they will not suffer off 30% weekly waterchanges as long as filtration is sufficient. The babies are currently getting 85-90% waterchanges daily

lastly there are no stupid questions :)


Mon Sep 04, 2006, 10:55 AM
Sounds great :D

My filtration is quite good imo. I have an old Resun 900L p/h running on it, but I have recently added an Aqua One 700L p/h, so filtration is better than ever.

Thanks for the great advice,

I'll probably be able to come by the store on Thursday to have a look :)

Thu Sep 07, 2006, 09:14 AM
Just posting to say how pleased I am with the fish.

I bought 5 this afternoon and they all have settled in very well, swimming around the front of the tank already.

I will post some pics of them tomorrow once I turn the tank lights on.

Thanks a lot for the great deal, and the quality fish! :D

Thu Sep 07, 2006, 09:31 AM
they are good quality fish, well bought!
you won't find any fish shop selling these quality discus any cheaper other than Fish Rock!
the parents are awesome, one of the best parents i've seen ever! they look after their fries like USA look after their oil! :)

Fri Sep 08, 2006, 07:04 AM
Here are some pictures of them, settled into their new home. They were taken this morning, feeding already. They were gorging themselves off some bloodworms this afternoon :)

Fri Sep 08, 2006, 07:05 AM
Sorry lightings pretty bad

Fri Sep 08, 2006, 07:51 AM
they are looking good. imo local bred are much healthier, you wont have any problems with them. try and do daily 50% wc and they will grow fast.

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 11:58 AM
just wondering if u guys can ship the caves to adelaide if so how much for 20 or 30 caves and how much for shipping?

Cheers Jamie

Sun Sep 10, 2006, 01:40 PM
how long are these breeding caves (cm)

and do they have an opening on both ends
i want to keep a black ghost knife fish in there
i hear they get pretty large
any suggestions for something for them to hide in / behind
i dont want to use pvc pipe as this will ruin the look of the aquarium

thanks for the help

Fish Rock Aquariums
Sun Sep 10, 2006, 02:53 PM
SAMIR: aussie fish raised in aussie water! well adapted. wc is the key to growth!.

JAMIE: pm sent.

ZIKU: i will get you measurements, and availabilty of open ended ones asap.

MATTB: glad they settled in well, from good bloodlines, so should grow up big and pretty!

Thank you to everyone who has purchased some of these babies, we really appreciate the support. still plenty left, i under estimated numbers was closer to 200 babies :).


Tue Sep 12, 2006, 06:29 PM
Caves arrived safely with no breakages.

Many thanks. They look very natural in the tank, and the catfish just love them.

Great service and a great product. :P

Wed Sep 20, 2006, 12:30 PM
The proof is in the breeding I guess. Guess I need some more tanks. Thanks Ronnie! :roll: :wink:

Wed Sep 20, 2006, 12:33 PM
Those caves are awesome!!
Very well made and look great.


Fish Rock Aquariums
Wed Sep 20, 2006, 01:18 PM
Rob: that one does look very well made :) is that one of ours? hahaha if so there you go! lets hope the next batch has the same standards!

Wed Sep 20, 2006, 03:12 PM
No you caught me there Ronnie (trying to give you a free plug mate)but truly I can't see much of a difference in quality. I guess what I'm saying is that these things do work and work really well and not just for bristlenose. I've also bred the kribs and some apistos in them too.

Great product Ronnie

clinton _gtr
Fri Sep 22, 2006, 04:22 PM
awsome im going to go get some of these discus tommorow. Guys do u think 4 would go alrite in a 100ltr tank (maybe bigger not too shore, its an aquaone 620.

Fish Rock Aquariums
Sat Sep 23, 2006, 12:22 AM
awsome im going to go get some of these discus tommorow. Guys do u think 4 would go alrite in a 100ltr tank (maybe bigger not too shore, its an aquaone 620.

AR-620 90L tank, will be a good size grow out tank, a small school will be fine for the time being :).

Wed Sep 27, 2006, 06:24 AM
and the aquaone 620T is 130 Litres ;)