View Full Version : I am scared, but am I over doing it?
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 06:22 AM
I am new here, and new to discus, but not to tropicals. I have a 55 gallon tank that I have Severum and Angels in. I recently bought 2 Discus. After reading here in the forum, it said not to use carbon in my filters. So here is what I did. And please let me know if I need to do other things. I really want happy fish. 55 gallon with penguin 330 filter with out carbon. Instead, it has FLuval nitrate remover and about .5 liters of Matrix Seachem support media, then flows out 2 bio wheels. I also have a H.O.T. Magnum 250 with .5 liters of the Seachem Matrix in it also, pumping out across a bio wheel. I have a sweeping power head with air, and 2 air stones. No UGF. I just started using Kent Discus Essential. I have been doing 30% water changes 2 times a week, but that is when I was using carbon and ammocarb. I just did 30% R.O. water change yesterday. My hardness was too high. I also just put 3 pounds of African drift wood in the tank. AM I missing anything? I am worried about no carbon.
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 06:42 AM
Before you put driftwood in the tank, it would be best if you soak them first in the bucket out in the backyard for several days.
No carbon in the filter , no problem at all.
Nothing to worry about.
Btw, where are u from ?
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 06:44 AM
Don't worry about carbon. I've been keeping discus for 30 years, and for the past 12 years I haven't used carbon in any of my discus tanks.
The only time I use it now, is to remove medications or after doing worm treatments. And my fish are happy and healthy.
So don't be concerned. You're doing everything right :P
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 07:15 AM
I am from Southern Oregon USA. The water in my tank was 7.2 PH 0 Am 0 Nitrites, but my nitrates were high from a mistake I made listening to someone at LFS. My water was way too hard too. Thats why I did the drift wood. Too late to soak, they are in the water already. Looks pretty when it looks like iced tea lol. I added a little salt to it. Added 15 gallons of R.O. water, and will get it tested again tomorrow. Should I only use R.O. water, or can I use it ever other water change?
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 08:02 AM
Try to keep the pH stable rather than "right"
pH 7.2 would be alright, but after you add some driftwood they will slowly go down.
Ammonia and Nitrates both should be zero.
Yeah, thats what you get if you dont soak them. Brownish water. It will take some time to clear up, so you can take them out and soak them first.
R.O or not, up to you. I never use R.O for water change and never have any problem.
Good luck.
ray chan
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 07:24 AM
would like to read more about carbons reaction on discus.
please let me know where to find them.
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 07:42 AM
u wont have 0 nitrates if your filter is cycled properly, but should definitely be under 5-10ppm
Fri Sep 15, 2006, 07:53 AM
I have gone through stages of using and not using carbon in my filters.
I now use carbon as a necessary feature of my main community tank..why?
a couple of reasons ...IMO It kills the fishy odour, gets rid of the tannin and it polish's the water making it sparkle.
bio zorb all the way 8-) 8-)
Sat Sep 16, 2006, 05:53 AM
If anyone is still wondering about this tread, I finally got it right. My nitrates are finally at 5. water is getting softer. Severums started mating for the first time. And the discus are less stressed out it appears. I have been doing 50% water changes twice a week, also updated my lighting to 48 inch tubes. One tube is actinic, the other is 6500k. Fish look beautiful. I also did moon light LED's, and that is beautiful. Thanks for all your help.
Sun Sep 17, 2006, 08:38 AM
So can we have a photo of your tank now :P :P :P
Sun Sep 17, 2006, 08:56 PM
I just bought another 55 gallon to put the Severums in yesterday. I set it up last night with 60% of the water out of my exsisting tank and put it into the new one. Waiting for it to cycle so I can add the Severums and get those big fish out of my Discus tank.
Mon Sep 18, 2006, 02:05 AM
Looking good 8-)
Mon Sep 18, 2006, 07:08 PM
Thank you for the compiment. I just took the Severums out and put them in thier own 55 gallon tank to tear up. Now I have small discus and angels in that tank.
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