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View Full Version : There still unwell :(

Fri Sep 01, 2006, 10:02 AM
after the treatment with sterazin they were quite good, then after a week or so they started to get unwel again. the male is almost jet black and he is getting worse an worse, he had a white poo the other day, not sure if its important, kinda looked like intestinal wall.

the male isnt eating, the female does, shes not tooo bad, they stay in the one spot nearly the whole day. im using melafix (with blind hope) i doubt itl do tooo much but theres not many other options i can think of.

another option was i was thinkn of putting them in my other planted discus tank (which is going really really well) an thought it may help them because i have a feeling its a water quality issue, but then im scared it may be bacterial (thats why im using melafix) an could potentially bugger up my planted tank aswel.

anyway got any suggestions, i just cant seem to get on top of this thing!

if after the melafix doesnt work i think i may go to the vets with them, unless anyone else can think of anything better to do with them?

Fri Sep 01, 2006, 10:44 AM
i haev the same problem with mine at the moment mate
are they patchy
is the skin patchy white???

Fri Sep 01, 2006, 11:59 AM
yea it is, the female has a patch of paleness sorta an she gets really pale, the male is mainly quite dark but has small parts where its a bit lighter

Sat Sep 09, 2006, 06:27 AM
Sounds like bacterial infection, Discus disease ?............have you tried Tetracycline, many Discus folk I talk to have success with it. It's main disadvantage is that it kills off the nitrifying bacteria and makes a horrible mess of the water, and takes several water changes to get the staining out, but may be worth a try ?

This may be of interest to you as well, some of the bottles of Tetracycline are not printed with the correct information on how to dose it, they just say 1 tablet for 20 litres of water and nothing more ? the correct treatment is to dose more than once........see attatched flyer printed out by one of my favorite local shops, this gives better instructions, I think ???