View Full Version : Color-enhancing food question!

Mon Aug 21, 2006, 10:34 PM
Will it hurt a gold millenium fish to be fed discus food with color enhancers designed for red discus? or blue discus?


Tue Aug 22, 2006, 12:14 AM

Any yellow based fish with red enhancers will go orange.

A small amount fed will be fine, such as colour bits twice per week.

Tue Aug 22, 2006, 05:39 PM
Interesting. Would feeding a blue discus with red pellets have a similar effect?

I have Azoo food for blue discus and Azoo food for red discus. Should I just return them?? :oops: I have not yet purchases my fish but planned to get an ocean green, brilliant blue, leopard pigeon, and blue snakeskin. I also plan to make my own beefheart and shrimp mixes as well as feeding bloodworms etc. I certainly don't want to mess with their coloration with the color enhancing foods...


Wed Aug 23, 2006, 01:00 AM
I have fed a colour food made specifically for red-based fish to blue diamonds..

The outcome was it does nothing to the blue but their fins go a washed out purple colour, most predominant near the penducle.

Foods such as Azoo will be fine to feed to either colour discus. Just feed in small doses.

As for making a BH, there is no need to add colour enhancers...just a good helping of spirulina works a treat!
