View Full Version : Gill Flukes (???) in male Betta
Mon Aug 21, 2006, 02:21 PM
[color=indigo]Hi Everyone,
I know this isn't quite discus related but I'm hoping someone can help...
Hector, one of my male Bettas has been off his food and sulking for a few days (until now I haven't been able to find anything wrong with him!) but today I noticed that one side of his face (gill plate) is swollen and there is something small and white protruding through--NOT hanging out of the gill opening, BUT protruding through the plate itself about halfway to his eye. The area is so swollen that it makes his eye look sunken and the gill on that side sticks out at an angle. It certainly looks very painful!
I'm guessing that it's gill fluke, but have never dealt with this before so have no real idea where to start. Anti-parasitic medication?? If so, which one would you recomend? Antibiotics?? Salt?? If so, at what rate?
He lives by himself (he's a very antisocial fish!) in a six litre cube tank so dosing him shouldn't be too difficult. He has a micro filter and heater, and I've been changing his water AT LEAST once a week. I've only had him for about six to eight weeks.
Because I change his water so often I don't test it as such but my tapwater paremeters are PH: 7.1, GH: 10, KH: 4 and Ammonia .25 and I treat it with Betta Splendid Complete Water Conditioner and Azoo Chlorine and Chloromine Remover at every water change. He is kept at 25*C.
Anyway, I'm very worried so I hope someone has some advice. All sugestions and possible solutions will be gratefully received!!
Mon Aug 21, 2006, 02:32 PM
just a thought, maybe the ammonia is creating the stress, and the stress the disease.if thats the case you'll need a water ager like seachem prime that removes ammonia as well. hope that helps
Mon Aug 21, 2006, 04:58 PM
Hi Samir,
According to the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals product blurb the Betta water conditioner does detoxify ammonia, as well as chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals. It's one of the reasons I use it :-). According to my lfs Adelaide water is pretty much the pits, fish wise, that's why I use the extra chlorine and chloramine remover.
But point taken...water quality is a contributing factor to any fish illness so I'll make sure I up the water changes!
Anyway, anybody got any ideas how I can get rid of whatever it is??? I'm rather fond of this fish and would hate for anything to happen to him!!!
Tue Aug 22, 2006, 04:40 AM
Hi I dont know if it is a gill fluke... they are usually microscopic.... could it be an anchor worm or something maybe....
Im sorry I cant help much but this is a link to Betta forums which is connected to Ausfishforums which is connected to Discusforums.
Somebody there may be able to help... I would suggest that you post a photo of him if you can and post your water parameters... but I would think that being a rather noticeable thing you probably should go to your LFS and get some worming medication... I think that something with Prazinquetal (spelling?) in it will kill both gill flukes and anchor worms so you may want to try and get that to be on the safe side..... anyway here is the link. HTH
Tue Aug 22, 2006, 11:47 AM
Hi Sammi,
Thanks for the reply!
I think you're right, it isn't gill flukes. I stayed up half the night surfing the net for info and from the little I found, it didn't sound like what we were dealing with. And then the clincher was that this morning Hector had another white spot/protrusion beside the first one, but this one looked like it was oozing and all his scales on his gill plate were pine coned.
I'm now thinking maybe its some sort of infection/abscess maybe, but I've never dealt with anything in fish other than the the odd case of white spot or fungus, so I'm not really sure what to do :( . I did ring my exotics vet (I also have pet lizards and rabbits) but the vet who sees fish isn't in until next week. The nurse did seem to think that it might've been caused by some sort of trauma (as in injury not stress) but I can't think what it might've been.
So, now I'm thinking salt bath, Pimafix or antibiotics maybe... Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, thanks for the link to the Betta Forum :-). I knew this wasn't really the right place to post but I've been a lurker here for a few weeks now (preparing myself for getting some discus down the track) and everyone is so knowledgable and friendly that I thought it might be worth a try. Besides the Betta Forum I belong to has died so there was no point in posting a health issue there :-(.
Anyway, thanks again!!
Tue Aug 22, 2006, 12:52 PM
Hi Jenny, it sounds a bit like a secondary bacterial infection of some sort... I think you are right in suggesting salt treatment (1tsp per 40litres) and pimafix does attack bacterial infections so you could give that a go....
How does he look otherwise... is he eating?
I hope he improves.... good luck!!!
Feel safe in the knowledge that most everyone at Discus Forums is happy to help with any type of fish...... we are all fish lovers and many of us on the forum keep other fish than discus.
Dont worry about posting here... I have been helped here by others with problems for other fish... we are all friends and are here to help each other :D
Tue Aug 22, 2006, 12:55 PM
just watch him hopefully it wont but it could be the starts of dropsy
most likely not but iv had a few fish at work go funny like that then turn to dropsy
and no matter what probs you have there is always someone to help
Tue Aug 22, 2006, 12:56 PM
Hi Jenny, that does sound like a bit of a mystery one, it could be an anchor worm, but sticking through the gill plate is a bit odd ? but they can burrow deeply into the flesh of a fish. You can buy medications to kill them, but a cheap effective way is a short salt dip in a strong saline solution, this sounds drastic but is very effective for a variety of parasites if indeed that is what it is ?
Make up a strong salt mix with just plain cooking salt at a ratio of 30 level teaspoons of salt to 5 litres of water at the same temp as he is in now. Simply place him in the saline mix for only a short time, several seconds is all. Leave him in it until he literally rolls over from the discomfort of it all, as soon as he rolls over pull him out and place him into his original tank that has fresh water, this should dislodge the worm. This sounds harsh but it does work, and if it is done qick enough no harm will come to him. You could also try some Praziquantel from a fish store, but the salt dip works just as well.
If you feel that it is not a parasitic worm, and to be honest I'm not sure ? then some strong anti-biotic to treat ulcers and bacterial infections is wise, you could try some Tetracycline tablets or liquid purchased from most fish stores. Be very interested to hear the follow up results, good luck 8-)
Wed Aug 23, 2006, 02:39 PM
Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the helpful replies :-).
Hector's looking about the same today, although I think there may be another swelling coming up on the other side where his head joins his body just above his gill opening :-(. So I guess this would make it more probable that it's anchor worms...
The funny thing is that a week ago before the symptoms really showed themselves he was acting sicker; sulking, not eating and not interested at all in his mirror when I held it up. But in the last few days, even though he looks worse physically, he's acting more like himself and racing to the front of his tank to greet me, eating well and has even been doing some flaring. Besides one side of his face not looking good, the only thing that I've noticed that might be unusual is that he seems to be going to the surface for air more often, but he's definitely not gasping or anything.
Anyway, I changed his water and put him in a live in salt bath, and will probably pick up some wormer from my LFS tomorrow night (sorry Phlipper but your salt method terrifies the life out of me. I'm really a terrible and see how things go. I wish I could tell if the swollen area was red or not...but of course, he would be a red fish, wouldn't he?!! :ug .
If it is Anchor Worms how contagous are they? And how did he get them? Could he've had them since I bought him 6-8 weeks ago? Or can they come in on plants? I've brought home ich and fungus from a couple of LFS's (not the one where I got Hector though) so I was wondering if I brought this home too...or if I did something here to cause it :-(. Like I said, I've never had anything like this before!
And if you can think of anything else it might be or have anymore suggestions about what I should do, I'd love to hear them :-).
Thanks again!!
Wed Aug 23, 2006, 11:00 PM
It's always possible to bring home some nasty from the shop, when you deal with as many fish as they do the chances of them having a crook fish is very possible, not 100% sure it is an anchor worm though, it is not common for them to be on aquarium fish, mostly pond fishes. Try the Tetracycline, it is a strong antibiotic, good for ulcers, open wounds and the like, he sounds pretty bad though so dont expect miracles, but maybe worth a try.
Thu Aug 24, 2006, 01:13 AM
Flaring can take a lot of energy for bettas so I wouldnt encourage it from him.(JMO)
I agree with Phlipper about possibly trying tetracycline..
hope it all works out!
Sun Sep 03, 2006, 08:52 PM
Hi Everyone,
Good News!! Hector has made a full recovery :wave2!!!!!
As you know I put salt in his tank water, and he did so well with it that I didn't bother to use the tetracyclines, though I had them here ready to go. After a week in his live-in salt bath he's doing great. There's no more swelling or pineconing or oozing! There's still a couple of marks left, but he's healing nicely :D. Although his gill plate doesn't seem to sit a flat as it did, and he's still having a bit of trouble flaring properly on that side, which is minor really, compared to the alternative!! It looks like it was probably a secondary infection from an injury. From what though, I have no idea!
The best bit is that he's back to his fiesty aggro self and eating like pig :D. Have I mentioned how fond I am of this :D.
Anyway, THANKS VERY MUCH to everyone who took the time to offer advice and support!! I appreciate it :thumb.
Mon Sep 04, 2006, 10:54 AM
Glad to hear that he is better!!!! that is great news.
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